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Borderlands 3 Leaked For E3 2018 – Real or Fake?

Borderlands 3 Leak E3 2018

Last weekend a Reddit thread popped up claiming to have a Borderlands 3 leak. The image above, a short video clip, and some details about the upcoming Borderlands game got posted online. 

Before I’ll go into any specifics let me say that the Borderlands 3 leak is fake!  Nonetheless, a lot of media started to cover this story and therefore I wanted to cover the story. Because I know you want the facts and not some fake dream. The strange figure in the image above is actually an assassin from the video game Dark Souls 2. Here is an overlay of the assassin artwork and the so-called “leaked” image. Even the raindrops align nicely with these 2 images.

Fake Borderlands 3 Leak
Fake Borderlands 3 Leak

Reveal Date

The image promises that the Borderlands 3 reveal would take place on June 10th. While the image is fake it is possible that we could get something on that date or one of the following days. On June 10, Microsoft does have a presentation where they will show off a lineup of upcoming games. This presentation is just ahead of one of the biggest game events in the world called E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo).  So it could be at the Xbox (or Playstation) presentation, but it could also be during the event itself. I will write a more in-depth article about that soon.

The Video Clip

The next piece of content was a short video clip that didn’t even last 10 seconds. During this clip, you could just see a planet and some asteroids from space. I saw some comments that found that it had a “Borderlands” look. I wasn’t convinced about that. But having a fake image also makes the video fake. Slapping the text “Confidential Property. Do  Not Distribute” on a video doesn’t make it legit. In the image, I missed the black outline around objects. Also during the Borderlands  3 Tech Demo Gearbox showed off a new shader. Which isn’t present on the objects. I don’t know where this footage is from but also all the signs here tell me it’s fake.

borderlands 3 leak footage
borderlands 3 leak footage

Borderlands 3 Leaked Details

  • The Borderlands 3 leak mentioned that the next game would be the darkest in the series. This sounds like a riff of the tweet by Randy Pitchford that the tone of the next Borderlands would lean more towards the first Borderlands.
  • According to the leak, Borderlands 3 would also release on the Nintendo Switch. While the Switch is popular this rumor is contradicting too earlier info. Also during a recent Nerdvana Live Podcast, the question was asked if we would see Borderlands on the Switch. Randy Pitchford (President of Gearbox Software) mentioned then that the Nintendo Switch is a gaming device that needed its own experience. This sounded that this experience isn’t in line with the experience they are creating at the moment. It might just need some dedicated optimization.
  • It was also mentioned that the game begins linear, but players eventually obtain a ship and travel to different planets in the game’s open world. This sounds like every other game that first takes you by the hand and walks you through the tutorial part of the game.
  •  “A season pass that will accompany the game and include access to three expansions.” Yup this is possible. Randy Pitchford did mention the Borderlands (2) microtransactions were a good model to add value to the players and earn an extra buck. Randy also mentioned he wasn’t a fan of the lootbox controversy.
  • “The game does not feature a battle royale mode, similar to those in PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds and Fortnite.” uhhhhh… what? Sounds very random.
  • There was some stuff in there about customization and I do believe that customization will still be a part of the game. Randy Pitchford even mentioned that this is part of the franchise and they would expand on the things they have done in the past.

If you have any specific questions about the next Borderlands game then check out the Borderlands 3 FAQ for a quick overview and links to in-depth articles on the most frequently asked Borderlands 3 questions.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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