On Twitter, Randy Pitchford (President of Gearbox Software) talks about expanding the capabilities of the current Borderlands 3 Vault Hunters. When he was asked if we would see any additional playable Vault Hunters as DLC, Randy replied with an interesting proposition. Instead of extending the playable character roster, the heroes would gain new skills and abilities. According to Randy Pitchford, the data seems to support this.
Extending vs New Vault Hunters
Personally, I fall into the category of sticking with 1 or 2 vault hunters. I invested a lot of time into that character and trying to collect everything again seems like a big chore to me. Yes, I don’t have as much time as I used to have to play video games. So being able to pick up and play my current character and continue to level him up would be something that would appeal to me. With Battleborn I only played like 5 characters on a regular basis and that game contained 30 playable heroes.
I know without DLC heroes we wouldn’t have awesome characters like; Gaige, Krieg, Jack, and Aurelia. While I like that Gearbox adds new heroes, I personally always stick with my “first choice”. I know there are a lot of super fans that play all of the characters, however, I don’t think this is for everyone. Let me know in the comments or social media if you played all the heroes or also stick with 1 or 2 characters.
Vault Hunter Upgrade Packs
Currently, all the playable Vault Hunters have multiple action skills. So it is not strange to add another one to the mix. This would provide you and me with new ways to play and spec out our character. So if an upgrade pack comes with:
- a new action skill for each character
- a new skill tree for each character
- a level cap increase
I think this would keep you and me engaged and play the game even longer. If there is also some new playable content like new missions that would be a good incentive to pick up the upgrade and start your level grind. This option of expanding on the current characters is probably more cost-effective for Gearbox instead of having to make a whole new character from scratch. During the Borderlands 3 reveal event, I heard that the amount of dialogue for each hero is even more than what they did for Battleborn.
While expanding on the current Vault Hunters might be a good fit for me, I’m not everyone. I wouldn’t mind seeing that Gearbox Software and 2K Games extend the playable character roster. Adding new heroes has resulted in reigniting the player base in the past.
But once again, Let me know in the comments or social media if you played all the heroes or also stick with 1 or 2 characters.