Borderlands 3 has multiple Season Passes that extent the amount of content for the game. Each season pass adds something different to Borderlands 3. While Borderlands 3 isn’t an always-online game, Gearbox Software and 2K Games do provide on-going content and support to the game. In this article, I’ll go over the details of the Borderlands 3 season passes; what can you expect from them, and if they are worth your well-earned bucks.
Continue your Borderlands 3 adventure with the Season Pass, featuring exclusive cosmetic items and 4 story campaign add-ons with new missions and challenges! This content is included with the purchase of the Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe Edition and Borderlands 3 Collector’s Edition. All Season Pass DLC will be available by September 2020.
Borderlands 3 Season Pass Content:
• 4 campaign DLC packs featuring new stories, missions, challenges, and loot.
• Butt Stallion weapon skin
• Butt Stallion weapon trinket
• Butt Stallion grenade mod
Do you want to learn more cosmetic items?
Borderlands 3 Season Pass Price
The Borderlands 3 Season Pass is priced at $49,99. For this price, you get 4 Story Campaign add-ons, which each are being sold separately for $14.99. So if you would purchase all 4 story campaign add-ons then your best buy would be the Season Pass. Because 4×14.99 = $59.96 You would roughly save $10 if you purchased the season pass. So if you bought the Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe Edition before launch you even got a better deal. That version of the game had a $20 discount on pre-order.
Should I Buy the Borderlands 3 Season Pass?
The Season pass is included in some versions of the game. If you have the ‘Collector’s Edition’ or the ‘Super Deluxe Edition’ then you already have the season pass. If you have the ‘Deluxe Edition’ or the ‘Standard Edition’ you will need to pick up the season pass separately.
Is the Borderlands 3 Season Pass worth it?
If you like to be entertained with story campaign add-ons the season pass does really deliver on that. Each of them delivers a good story set in its own theme. These DLCs however, don’t contain classic Raid bosses as you know them from Borderlands 2. Well, there is 1 semi-raid boss in DLC2 but he is kinda a pushover. All of the DLCs have interesting loot to spice up your gameplay.
Story Campaign Add-ons Reviews
Season Pass 2 Content
The second Season Pass for Borderlands 3 contains 2 big content packages. These will give you new ways to play the game. Season Pass 2 will be available on November 10, 2020, and will be available on the launch of the new consoles. Season Pass 2 will be $29.99.
- [DLC5] Designer’s Cut
- [DLC6] Director’s Cut
Designer’s Cut
The ‘Designer’s Cut‘ is the 5th DLC for Borderlands 3. This add-on contains a brand new standalone game mode, a new skill tree for each of the Vault Hunters, and more. This DLC will be released on November 10, 2020 (and costs $14.99 when purchased outside of season pass 2).
- New Skill Trees
- New Game Mode
Director’s Cut
The ‘Director’s Cut’ is the 6th DLC for Borderlands 3. This add-on is scheduled to be released in the spring of 2021. This DLC package is a gameplay-focused add-on that includes additional missions, end-game content, and behind-the-scenes extras!
Purchase Borderlands 3 DLC
If you are as excited as me for more Borderlands content, you can get the Season Pass or Individual DLCs on Consoles, Steam, or EPIC using these links. When you purchase the content using one of these links, you also support me and the website. I would really appreciate it if you do that as it helps grow the site. Thanks, and Enjoy!
More Borderlands 3 Content
Check out the Hotfix/Patch Archive or the Borderlands 3 Roadmap for more (upcoming) content.
Idc what the 4 DLC is, as long as it meets 3 requirements
-Dungeons and Badasses DLC
-All 4 DLCs be bi…
Captain Scarlett 2
Quick Question: Do you know if these 4 DLCs will be INCLUDED(Already installed) or we just get the pass…
Kyle Nagant
If i gotta pay again then im not getting it, 80$ for dlc on top of what i payed, i don’t remember 2 doing that and it had alot of dlc
Multiple season passes weren’t a thing in the BL2 days, however, from the looks of it BL2 probably had more DLC to justify a second season pass. That said a Season Pass is just a bundle of DLCs with a sharp price tag. You can always pick up the DLCs individually if you like the content. With BL2 they just kept making HeadHunter Packs as long as a majority kept buying them.