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Borderlands 3 will have special events and raids

More end game content coming to Borderlands 3
Borderlands 3 Special Events
Borderlands 3 Special Events

Randy Pitchford told us a little while ago that Borderlands 3 will be the biggest Borderlands game to date. An important thing about looter-shooters these days is that there needs to be something to do once you finished the main story. We already saw a bit of that with the Guardian Rank during the Borderlands 3 Gameplay Reveal Event. In a recent interview with Borderlands 3 lead boss designer Matt Cox, he mentioned a bit more of what we can expect from the game once you finished the main story campaign. Matt revealed that Borderlands 3 will have special events and raids.

Special Events and Raids

While Matt also mentioned that we will learn more about this at E3, which starts on June 11th, we can look back at the previous Borderlands games and speculate what he is referring to. When you completed Borderlands 2, you got the quest to kill Terramophous the invincible. This raid boss was designed to be beaten by 4 players, however, the community got good and found ways to solo him. I expect to see more of these challenging boss fights. With Borderlands the Pre-Sequel, we did see special bosses and events during seasonal events. While they did a few in the Pre-Sequel I always thought they could have expanded heavily on this.

During my Borderlands 3 play session, I came across Zero. He already wants you to take down mini-bosses that you can stumble upon. Maybe he will give you some more things to do but it wouldn’t surprise me if Sir Hammerlock needs some decoration for his room on Sanctuary 3. Kinda doing Crew Challenges.

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