Gearbox Software and 2K Games officially announced the next installment in the Borderlands franchise, Borderlands 4, at Gamescom 2024 and showed a teaser trailer revealing the direction of the upcoming game.
This trailer has a follow up as it continues in the Borderlands 4 Reveal Trailer.
Borderlands 4 Teaser Explained
The Borderlands 4 teaser picks up right after the climactic ending of Borderlands 3 and reveals what happened to Lilith and Pandora’s Moon – Eplis.
A little background here; We saw Lilith Phasewalk in Borderlands (1), teleport a city after powering up with some Eridium in Borderlands 2, and teleport the moon at the end of Borderlands 3.
Lilith teleported Elpis because the planet Pandora is actually a giant vault containing the Destroyer – a monster with the power to consume everything in the galaxy – and Eplis is the key to opening that Vault.
Lilith can teleport Eplis because she tapped into the moon’s subsurface Eridium supplies and supercharged her Siren abilities.
The trailer starts with an explosion in the shape of Lilith’s Firehawk symbol before we see Pandora’s moon, Elpis, teleporting into an unknown part of the Borderlands galaxy. There Elpis smashes through a cloaking veil revealing a hidden planet.
This part of the six galaxies has been hidden for ages for an undisclosed reason.
We see rubble from the moon falling onto the surface and the developers mentioned there is a reason for this, however, we will have to play the game to find out.
Alongside the falling rocks is an iconic psycho mask, which gets picked up by a robotic being. Fans quickly started speculating about a secret Eridian hideout.
The Gearbox Software Developer teased the Borderlands 4 Presentation at PAX 2024 that everything in this teaser trailer has a meaning.
At the end of the trailer, we see glitching imagery and the Borderlands community went hard at work trying to solve all the hidden clues. The secret code at the end of the Borderlands 4 teaser trailer is decyphered.
Randy Pitchford revealed on Twitter that the face at the end of the trailer is not Handsome Jack but something more dangerous and sinister.
I hope this is the continuation from TPS with the watcher about the impending war
I can see Lillith dying via sacrifice to save Pandora
Jason Turner
This is the only chance Gearbox has to fix this godawful, broken storyline. I will not buy this game until I know the ending first. Still want my money back from BL3.