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First Borderlands 4 Artwork Reveals New Art Direction

Borderlands 4 Artwork
Borderlands 4 Artwork

Gearbox Software revealed the first Borderlands 4 Concept Art during their Main Theather Show at PAX West 2024. The game’s story will take place in a new corner of the Borderlands galaxies and therefore will feature new styles as the developers also want to explore new areas instead of relying on the same envoirements each time.

I’m getting an urban neon Tokyo vibe as I see a lot of vibrant neon colors and holographic displays. This town seems to be surrounded by an energy barrier as it is located in an icy area. I think we have gotten a taste of those holographic visuals in the Borderlands movie. Some of those classic Borderlands graffiti is now done with neon glowing pain. Looks there is already loot on the ground.

This looks to be a military or mining base in the mountains. The interesting thing is the energy source in the background. Kinda getting Skywell-27 or Borderlands the Pre-Sequel vibes but I’ll take a minion robotics facility.

Interesting market location with glowing domes and red tents covering this town square. The sun-rays and smoke make it look mythical but why can we get “Fresh Limbs” in the back?

Another great piece of Borderlands 4 Artwork. Getting some ghost-in-the-shell vibes from all of this. The centerpiece looks like a hookah, a waterpipe where people sit around. In the back right, there looks to be a chair for a leader of some sort. I have seen those green/pink/orange lamps in the Borderlands Movie when they are in Moxxi’s bar. I’m getting some spiritual vibes with that herb lamp and candles in the room.

These areas look interesting and I’m curious to see how the development team at Gearbox Software will bring these areas to life.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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