Get behind the scenes on the Borderlands franchise during the Pax South 2015 Panel. As the development team talks about the past, present, and future of Borderlands. So grab something to drink because for the next hour you will be sitting down with:
- Amanda Christensen – Concept Artist
- Mikey Neumann – Chief Creative Champion (voice of Scooter)
- Aaron T – VP of Product Development
- Randy Pitchford – CEO, President of Gearbox Software (Voice of Crazy Earl)
- Joel Eschler – 2K Australia
- James Lopez – Producer
- David Eddings – VP of Business Development (Voice of Claptrap & T.K. Baha)
- Matthew Armstrong – Creator and Franchise Director of Borderlands
Borderlands History
- The panel starts off with the origin story of Borderlands. Matthew talks about the problems they encountered and what needed to be solved in order to create some of the ideas of Borderlands.
- Matthew also talks about how they build a prototype in order to get some of the game mechanics working. As RPG elements were new to the first-person shooter genre, Gearbox Software and 2K Games needed to teach the player how some of these elements work. This is how Claptrap made its way into the franchise.
- Randy tells how they got involved with 2K Games. And continues by telling how the design process of the game started. How the art style changed and how Matt fixed the Skag problem.
- Mikey & David talk about some of the voices in the game. How Claptrap got to be who he is. And there is the story about how Scooter was brought to life.
Borderlands Q&A
- With all the different races, body types, genders, and disabilities. Is it Gearbox Software’s mission to be as inclusive as possible during character design?
- Can you give us any more detail or backstory on Zero?
- Who is responsible responsible for T.K. Baha’s dead?
- Will you bring back the Underdome run by Scooter & Ellie?
- Will 4 Players Couch co-op have the ability to transfer their save file?
- Is Pandora a place where people go to reinvent themselves?
- What’s the hardest part of designing?
- Where do the crazy ideas come from?
Borderlands Future
- Live gameplay with James & Joel of Lady Hammerlock DLC. James Lopez shows the Skill Tree of Aurelia the Baroness.
- Randy tells about how big the team has grown during the development of Borderlands & Borderlands 2 and how this affects the future of the Borderlands franchise and what size the team should be for Borderlands 3.