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Borderlands Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary With Special Events

Borderlands Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary as the original Borderlands made its debut on October 20, 2009. Starting today, you can enjoy Boss Week and several events are planned for the next five weeks. Each of the events will have their own theme and activities in Borderlands 3.
Borderlands Anniversary Celebration
Borderlands Anniversary Celebration

Boss Week

Boss Week is now live and will be run until October 8, 2019, at 8:59 AM PDT. During this event, you can expect several bosses will have an increased chance to drop a unique Legendary item. Here’s a full breakdown of Legendary loot drops by boss:

  • Mouthpiece has an increased chance to drop Gatling Gun
  • KillaVolt has an increased chance to drop Brainstormer
  • Gigamind has an increased chance to drop Nagata
  • Katagawa Ball has an increased chance to drop Rectifier
  • Katagawa has an increased chance to drop Legendary class mods (all Vault Hunters)
  • Rampager has an increased chance to drop Kill-o’-the-Wisp
  • Warden has an increased chance to drop Echo
  • GenIVIV has an increased chance to drop Ten Gallon
  • Aurelia has an increased chance to drop Creeping Death
  • Graveward has an increased chance to drop Earworm
  • Pain and Terror have an increased chance to drop Legendary class mods (all Vault Hunters)
  • Troy has an increased chance to drop Nova Berner
  • Tyreen has an increased chance to drop Bitch
Borderlands Anniversary Celebration Event Calendar

Borderlands Anniversary Celebration Event Calendar

Event Schedule

Week 1 (October 1-7): Bonus Boss Loot!
Week 2 (October 8-14): Rare Spawn Hunt!
Week 3 (October 15-21): Show Me the Eridium!
Week 4 (October 22-28): Mayhem on Twitch!
Week 5 (October 29 – November 4): Spooky Surprise!

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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