The Making of …
The Borderlands movie is in production and various actors have shown photos of them arriving on location. But non of the photos actually show something from the sets or costumes. Well, that’s about to change on June 1, 2021. Because actress Jamie Lee Curtis mentioned on Instagram that she will be sharing a bunch of photos from the crew on that date.
I wish I could show you what this young, beautiful, kind and apparently tickety tockety, talented woman, @ariana_greenblatt is throwing DOWN as #tinytina @borderlandsfilm but I CAN’T until June 1 when I am going to post the first of many behind the scenes secret shots of her, #cateblanchett @kevinhart4real @bignasty #claptrap and MANY OTHERS!
Excited Crew
When you check the actor’s social media accounts, you can see that they are excited to work on the Borderlands Movie.
The photo above comes from Jamie Lee Curtis’ social media with the quote; “F U T U R E T R I P P I N G”. This looks to be a Tannis outfit.
Guys like, Kevin, Olivier, and Florian are working out in the gym and getting pumped for their roles.
Florian mentioned that he has to sit in the make-up chair for 2 hours every day to become Krieg. To which Olivier replied that he has to undergo 3 hours of make-up to become Krom.
Olivier is doing his own stunts in the movie and also showed that he passed his fire protection exam.
Personally, I can’t wait to see how the actors look in their outfits.