The Celebration of Togetherness event was all about the launch of a new Borderlands 3 trailer. Gearbox Software and 2K Games were very mysterious about this event. Therefore a lot of people speculated that this would be an announcement for cross-play, however, Randy Pitchford gave some clarification about the manner. While the trailer is awesome, some people hoped that this event would be about something bigger. There was this long leadup time to the event and 2K Games was even sending prominent influencers a care package promoting it.
Things you might have missed
There are a lot of golden chests and weapons flying around in this trippy Borderlands 3 trailer. This is one of the goofiest trailers that Gearbox has put out and it’s up there with the Borderlands 2 Wimoweh trailer. I like the concept of this alternate world inside the loot chest. Early on you can spot a Bandit doing the dab.
68 days BL3
2 hours isn’t soon for me lol going to go by so slow
beya 🤖💕
but what the heck is this even??
It’s 4 30 am Pacific time right now
I liked the trailer, but it was totally not what people expected from it. Still, nice that the Guy’s from Gearbox are trying to keep the community hyped for their game and that they try to keep us hooked till it comes out 😛