A barely-habitable rock that the Children of the Vault have made their homeworld. Pandora’s searing-hot deserts, vicious wildlife, and burgeoning bandit population have proved too much for all who have tried to tame the planet and exploit its resources. The ruins of Dahl, Atlas, and Hyperion facilities litter the landscape, inhabited by all manner of Skags, Rakk, Varkids, and Spiderants that are intent on eating and killing you. Usually in that order.
Pandora Screenshots
- Covenant Pass
- The Droughts
- Ascension Bluff
- Devil’s Razor
- The Splinterlands
- Carnivora
- Guts of Carnivora
- Konrad’s Hold
- Sandblast Scar
- Cathedral of the Twin Gods
- The Great Vault
- Destroyer’s Rift
- The Slaughter Shaft