Turtle Rock Studios held an Open Beta from January 15th to the 17th on Xbox One. On the other platforms (PC & PS4) there was a closed-technical test.
After these few days of hunting, the fans brought up a lot of feedback with each having their own opinion. Did Turtle Rock Studios put enough energy into balancing the gameplay in Evolve?
Evolve Open Beta Results
Here are the actual results of this Evolve Beta
Overall Stats
- 2.225.939 Games were played.
- 51.5% of the games were won by the Hunters.
- 48.5% of the games were won by the Monster.
- A match took an average time of 9.91 minutes
Top 5 Damage Dealers
- Parnell
- Markov
- Hyde
- Bucket
- Cabot
Monster Damage
The Goliath was responsible for the most damage in the early stages. The Kraken did the most damage overall across all three stages. And the Wraith did the most damage in stage 3 of all the monsters.
Evolving the Game
As you see the chance of victory between both sides is very close to each other 51.5% vs 48.5%. That’s a difference of 1.5%, but the developers continue further balancing the game. During the Big Alpha, the hunters won 57% of the games.
Also, matchmaking is getting an update. Although the matchmaking system received an update coming from the Big Alpha to the Open Beta.
Some matches still had some rough spots. At least no more level 20 players being matched up with level 1 players. But there were occasional situations where you would join full games or games with not enough slots to fit your party.
During the Big Alpha, they introduced the Kraken and he had a 70% win ratio. With the Open Beta, this was successfully brought back to 52%.
During the Open Beta, Turtle Rock Studios introduced the Wraith and she had a 71.1% win ratio. With the collected data all the monsters should and will come close to the 50% mark.
Wraith Evolutions
The devs are going to make the Wraith easier to track. Even good hunters are having a hard time keeping track of her because the Wraith can move quite a distance while being cloaked. Therefore the Wraith will no longer be able to warp while being cloaked. If you do this in the future the cloak wears off and the decoy vanishes.
Increasing the cost of the Decoy. The decoy got spammed a lot and should be used more strategically. The Decoy will now take 30% longer to cool down and also 30% less spammy.
The Supernova is going to be brought down a little. It’s okay if it is her primary damage dealer, but it was a bit on the buff side. So there will be a 10% damage reduction.
Abduction is going to be easier to land. It’s a fun ability but wasn’t used a lot during the beta. So de Abduction radius will be increased by 0.5 meters (now 3.5). This will make it a bit more forgiving.
Boost the Warp Blast. So its radius is increased by 0.5 meters (now 8.5). Increasing the radius has proven in the past to be a great way to increase the damage output. This way players are able to hit their targets more often.