Did Gearbox Software and 2K Games just confirm to return of the Excalibasterd? The Play Wonderlands Socials posted an image of a gun stuck in a stone. As Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands has that fantasy setting, this is all a clear reference to the Excalibur, the legendary sword from King Arthur that was stuck in a stone. Only someone who was worthy could lift the sword from the stone.
In Borderlands the Pre-Sequel there was an easter egg to the Sword in Stone legend. In that game, you could find a gun stuck in a stone and you needed to have a certain amount of Badass Rank in order to pick it up.
While the new Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands artwork looks cool and all, this does make us wonder if we will see the return of the Excalibasterd. It was one of the Borderlands weapons I would like to see to return in Wonderlands. The Excalibasterd specialized in Cryo damage and that elemental damage type is in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands.
Would you like to see the Excalibasterd return in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands? Let me know in the comments below!