Gearbox Software Developers react to the Discovery of the Borderlands 3 Easter Egg on the Choctaw Festival of Gaming Livestream. Creative Director Randy Varnell and Lead Programmer Scott Velasquez were shout-casting the big Battleborn tournament during the event.
I love our community so much, super loyal dedicated fans in both the story and the lore.
Randy Varnell – Creative Director Battleborn
Randy Varnell tells the story that they teased at these Borderlands easter eggs during their PAX panel last year and how they have been hiding them in the Battleborn Story Operations.
Gearbox Software was a bit worried that they had hidden these Borderlands 3 coded messages too well but are happy we finally decoded them. Because the community started decoding everything from graffiti to stain-glass windows and more.
Shout-out to our friend MentalMars, Peter Groot. He did a really awesome Youtube video about the whole journey. He is great, he’s from the Netherlands. You can hear his great accent and passion coming through as he tells the whole journey.
Randy Varnell – Creative Director Battleborn