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Gearbox hinted at Borderlands 3 in Battleborn

Gearbox Software has put in a few Borderlands 3 easter eggs in Battleborn that you would only find when that game finally releases.
Easter Eggs in Battleborn hint at Borderlands 3
Easter Eggs in Battleborn hint at Borderlands 3

You probably already know about the Borderlands 3 easter eggs that Gearbox had hidden inside the Battleborn story operations. While those mysterious messages didn’t make a lot of sense back then, now after learning more about Borderlands 3 we can place them in the proper context. However, that are not the only easter eggs they have hidden in Battleborn. Do you remember when Gearbox added the Borderlands skins in Battleborn? Well if we take a closer look at these we can discover a few neat little secrets.

Maliwan Reference

Borderlands Maliwan Skin for Caldarius
Borderlands Maliwan Skin for Caldarius

With the Borderlands skin pack, Caldarius received an awesome Maliwan skin. Its called: J-HTX-M1 Katagawa.  If you check out the Borderlands 3 gameplay from the reveal event, you stumble upon an encounter with Maliwan’s chief of corporate takeovers. DING DING DING! Yes, his name is “Katagawa”. Gearbox you sneaky b…  (does this mean Mailiwan is taking over the Battleborn universe 😛 ).

Katagawa - Head of mergers and acquisitions at Maliwan - Borderlands 3
Katagawa – Head of mergers and acquisitions at Maliwan – Borderlands 3

Katagawa is the Head of mergers and acquisitions at Maliwan, he has an obsession with Rhys (bromance). Katagawa doesn’t just want Rhys’ assets, he just likes Rhys. And the only way that Katagawa knows to make friends with Rhys is to take over Atlas and force him to be his friend.

Claptrap Omen

Borderlands Claptrap Skin for ISIC
Borderlands Claptrap Skin for ISIC

Another Borderlands skin that was added was the claptrap skin for ISIC. This skin not only looked cool, but it also included a voice modulator. This modulator made ISIC’s voice lines sound kinda like those that came from Claptrap.  Well, actually they did come from “Claptrap” because ISIC’s voice actor, Jim Foronda, manage to land that part for Borderlands 3.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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1 Comment

  1. I own the claptrap skin. It’s just too damn awesome.


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