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Get Secret Weapons through Moxxi’s Tipping Jar in Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 continues the tradition of Moxxi's tip jar where you rewards for giving her your money.
Moxxi's Tipping Jar Rewards - Borderlands 3
Moxxi's Tipping Jar Rewards - Borderlands 3

What happens when you tip Moxxi in Borderlands 3?

Miss Moxxi returns in Borderlands 3 and once again she has her tipping jar on the counter. Just like in Borderlands 2, you are able to interact with it and give Moxxi some money. But what happens when you tip Moxxi in Borderlands 3? Just like in Borderlands 2, you will get a secret reward, you won’t be throwing your money away.

How to get to Moxxi’s Bar

When you completed the prologue of Borderlands 3 or used the skip to start at LVL13, you will have access to the spaceship Sanctuary 3. Onboard Sanctuary 3 you will be able to visit Moxxi’s bar on the upper deck at the left side across Marcus Munitions. In the bar, you will find a tipping jar on the counter.  There you are able to put in 100 or 1000 cash money.

Hey, Big spender, thanks for the tip. You can wet your whisle at my place any day. And when you spray this bad boy into a crowd of fanatics, I hope you’ll think of me.


Moxxi’s Tipping Jar Rewards

When you spend enough money on the tipping jar you will receive a random reward from Moxxi through the new mail system. You can either get the Hail or the Crit from her. These weapons can be anointed. If you want a specific god roll you will need to keep spending money on Moxxi.

Reward 1: Hail

Borderlands 3 | HAIL - HUGE BUFF!! - Unique Item Guide

The Hail is a Dahl assault rifle. The prefixes on these guns vary each time Moxxi sends you one. The projectiles have a small arc to them. Dealing damage to enemies gives you minor health regeneration.

Reward 2: Crit

Borderlands 3 | CRIT - MOST OP SMG IN THE GAME?! - Unique Item Guide

The Crit is a Maliwan SMG. While the prefixes on these guns vary the element is always doing Shock damage. The red text says; “Slippery when wet” meaning that every time you reload it there is a chance that you will drop the weapon. Be aware of your Autosell settings when trying to pick this item back up.


  • Most sites report that you will get Moxxi’s rewards after spending $30.000 on the tipping jar while players mentioned getting rewards at $25.000 or $50.000. With previous Borderlands games, the amount of money you needed to put in was always a bit random.
  • Ki11erSix mentioned that he didn’t get any Crit’s on the lower levels.
  • Moxxi’s rewards can be an Anointed weapon.
  • Moxxi weapons have the ability to restore a portion of your health based on the damage you dealt.
  • With the Febr. 11, 2021, hotfix the Hail and the Crit go massive buffs.
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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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