Takedown at the Guardian Breach
During Episode 7 of the Borderlands Show, the new Guardian Takedown got revealed and it sounds promising! Takedown at the Guardian Breach is an endgame gauntlet that is designed to challenge you. You will face off against new enemies and an Invincible Boss. The level design of this Takedown is different from what you are used to in Borderlands 3. You will be in a low gravity area and there will be jump pads, puzzling, and platforming involved. Looking at the first footage I had some Borderlands the Pre-Sequel and some Phoebe and the Heart of Ekkunar – Battleborn Story Operation flashbacks.
Of course there will be new loot to collect; weapons, gear, and collectible cosmetics (Character skin, Echo skin, and Room Decoration).
The Takedown at the Guardian Breach seems to push the story about the Guardians & Eridian forwards. In this Takedown, Tannis wants to send you on a reconnaissance trip to the planet of Minos Prime. There you can track down the source of a mysterious Guardian signal. Upon your arrival, you’ll be ambushed by a sect of rogue Guardians who have split off from their brethren and have irrevocably transformed Minos Prime.
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New Takedown
During the Gearbox Main Stage Show, Randy Pitchford announced a new takedown coming to Borderlands 3. Guardian Takedown is a free content update that is coming to Borderlands 3 in May 2020. This endgame gauntlet in the game will be themed around the Guardians, the mysterious figures of Eridian origin. Guardian Takedown will be the second Takedown in the game. The first of course being the Maliwan Takedown. More info will become available once we get closer to its release.
My Thoughts on Guardian Takedown
I’m looking forward to a new takedown it is great free content. However, May is still a bit far out and while I personally don’t have any trouble with it, I think the hardcore players really want something like this. But looking at the Borderlands 3 Roadmap, there is a lot of content in the pipeline, with a big content drop each month.
I wonder if the Guardian Takedown will include new legendary weapons? With the Maliwan Takedown, Gearbox Software added new items that you can only get playing on Mayhem 4. By the time this content drops we will already have Mayhem Mode 2.0, so things might be implemented in a different way but you know what I mean. I think Gearbox did well on adding new items with the takedown but also make them farmable through other means. The Maliwan Blacksite only as a 14% completion ratio across the playerbase. Being able to farm ‘set boss’ to get the item is a nice touch giving everyone the chance at the new items.
Outside of the proving grounds, we haven’t had a lot of storytime about the Guardians or Eridian. At the end of Borderlands the Pre-Sequel we were promised that a war is coming. Gearbox could use this Guardian Takedown to set things up. They might not be able to fully flesh out this war. I think that would be better surfed for Borderlands 4, however, they could tease us and set things in motion.
Takedowns now have the option to switch between a scaled-down mode and true takedown mode. Which is great because that makes it accessible for more people. It would be great if Gearbox adds a checkpoint before the bosses this time around.