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How many guns are there in Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 over 1 Billion guns in the game
Borderlands 3 over 1 Billion guns in the game

Gearbox Software holds the record, with the original Borderlands, of most weapons in a game. According to Gearbox Software, at the time of release, there are over 17,750,000 different variations of weapons in the original Borderlands.

With the sequel we expected to be more weapons in Borderlands 2, however, that wasn’t the case. That said the weapons did get an overhaul and were more unique. By delivering a wider range of weapons the game provided more quality content rather than quantity.

With Borderlands the Pre-Sequel, the development team expanded on the weapon system and cranked the numbers up again. Now we are seeing the arrival of Borderlands 3 and the marketing is already claiming there are more weapons in the upcoming game than ever before.

I spoke with Randy Varnell at the Borderlands 3 reveal event and he confirmed to me that there will be an insane number of weapons in Borderlands 3. While the game wasn’t finished at the time and they still needed to determine what qualifies as a unique weapon. Do things like different attachments and secondary firing options qualify as unique weapons? The number of guns is already higher than in the previous games but if these little variations count then things can go insanely high. Randy said that no matter how you count it they will break their own record for most guns in a game.

In Borderlands 3, the weapon manufacturers don’t share weapon parts anymore as they did in previous games. The gun team and the combat team have been able to create a lot more personality in the art style of the manufacturers. You’re gonna see, just by inspecting guns, that they look way more distinct than they did in Borderlands 2. Gearbox Software also added new mechanics to each of the weapon manufacturers.

Number of Weapons in Borderlands

  • Borderlands (1):  17,750,000
  • Borderlands 2: 2,736,589
  • Borderlands The Pre-Sequel (with Luneshine): 34,527,769
    • The Pre-Sequel (without Luneshine): 16,145,310
  • Borderlands 3: + !!!
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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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