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Imagining an Unconventional Fantasy World in Immortals of Aveum

Imagining a Fresh Fantasy World in Immortals of Aveum

Bret Robbins, game director and CEO of Ascendant Studios, tells how he and lead writer, Michael Kirkbride, envisioned the world and narrative of Immortals of Aveum. He shares insights into character development, the history of the Everwar, why they chose to ground the fantasy world of Aveum in modern dialogue, and the importance of balancing a serious tone with humor in storytelling.


Tess asks these questions to Bret, however, they often go on a side-quest and talk about some relatable subject. So check out the full interview to learn more about Immortals of Aveum.

  • What can you tell us about Aveum and the current state of the Everwar?
  • Can you tell us more about the villain, Sandrakk?
  • What made you decide on the tone of a fantasy game with modern dialogue?
  • Can you tell us more about Jak and his role?
  • Can you tell us more about Krikan and her role in the Everwar?
  • How do you determine the tone of the game, as it takes place in a dark time while having light-felt moments?
  • Can you tell us more about Zandara and his role?
  • Can you tell us more about Devyn and his role?
  • Did the characters change based on the interactions with the voice actors?
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