Takedown Shakedown
You have an increased chance of getting legendary loot in the Maliwan Takedown. Starting today, March 24, Gearbox released a hotfix that buffed the drop rates of the mini-boos (Valkyrie) and the main boss (Wotan). Expect more activities in the coming weeks as the Takedown Shakedown is the beginning of a series of mini-events. This is a great opportunity for you to farm for new gear. The Takedown Shakedown event will last till Thursday, April 2 at 8:59 AM PT. That way you can get the gear at the max level since there is a new level increase that boosts the level cap with 4 additional levels.
Maliwan Takedown Legendary Loot
You can get even exclusive Mayhem 4 loot if you increase the difficulty.
Beating the Maliwan Takedown
Are you having trouble getting through the Takedown then I have a guide on beating the Maliwan Takedown. You want to make sure you have the best legendary weapons and an awesome character build. I also have a guide on how to defeat Wotan. It’s a step-by-step guide that will tell you how to go through each of the phases.