Randy Pitchford, Brian Martel, Paul Hellquist, Anthony Burch, and Chris Faylor take PAX Australia by storm with new Borderlands 2 DLC announcements and a look behind the scenes!
- School film project
- Teaser to the Assault on Dragon Keep short
- Level Cap Upgrade Pack that increases the max level cap
- Digistruct Peak Challenge + OP levels
- More SDUs
- New Heads & Skins
- GBX Community Day going digitally
- Community Day SHiFT Code
- Homeworld acquisition and HD announcement
- Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep Heads & Skins
- Highlighting Borderlands Cosplayers
- Sneak peek at TK Baha’s Bloody Harvest Head Hunter Pack
- Digistruct Peak Sneak Peek
- Question: Are Gaige & Krieg being added to the game’s intro?
- Answer: No, that’s why we did the Krieg Intro Short.