Various game sites started reporting that we are getting a Borderlands 1 Remaster. While those sites stated that the Korean rating board leaked “Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition” on their website, they actually failed to provide actual proof.
Multiple sites did mention that the Korean rating board also leak “Sunset Overdrive” for PC last week. However, I started searching for more concrete evidence rather than “this other site posted this thing and that’s why we need to cover it”.
A remaster of the original Borderlands game sounds great, HYPE !!! However… what’s really going on?
Was Borderlands: Game of the Year listed?
To find out if this news is just a rumor or if it’s true we need to know if it was listed. I was able to find links to the individual product pages, however, when writing this article it seems the items have been taken down.
Luckily I was also able to find some screenshots from the website that shows that Borderlands: Game of the Year was listed.
Is Borderlands GOTY a Re-release or Remaster?
Defining what type of release this is going to be is a bit speculative. The tag “Game of the Year” only applies that all of the DLC is included in the package. This would indicate that we are talking about a straight port, a rerelease of the old game running on newer hardware. In the specifications it also just mentions:
- Game name: Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition [PS4]
- Original name: Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition
(I translated the image below to get more context)
Borderlands GOTY Edition Korean RatingThe strange thing about this is that the game was not just listed for PS4 and Xbox One, it was also listed for PC. Because of the inclusion of the PC platform, this means that this isn’t just a straight port from the old generation of consoles to the new ones.
The original Borderlands was released on PS3 and Xbox 360 back in 2009. While I enjoyed playing that game on Xbox 360 back in the day, the graphical fidelity doesn’t match up against the PC version. Porting the game to the Xbox One and Playstation 4 would let player experience that game in “full” glory like Gearbox and 2K did with the Handsome collection.
So there has to be some work to justify a rerelease on PC because the game is already up on PC. This is why I think we are going more towards a remaster than a port.
What do you think about this, Is it a Remaster or a Rerelease? You can use this poll or leave a comment.
Borderlands Remastered Again?
This all sounds great; a remaster of the original Borderlands game !!! HYPE !!! However, this isn’t the first time that we heard about a Borderlands 1 Remaster. Back in December 2014 we also learned that Borderlands remastered was listed on the Australian rating board.
It was going to be developed by Gearbox Software and 2K Australia. Except after the release of Borderlands the Pre-Sequel the 2K Aus studio shut down. Since then we haven’t heard anything about the remaster. While I hope it’s for real this time we have been let down in the past.
On Twitter fans have also been asking for a Borderlands 1 remaster and Randy Pitchford, President of Gearbox Software, always said that they currently rather invest their time in the next Borderlands.
However during the Nerdvana podcasts, Randy also mentioned things like; “Preserving their legacy games” and “If customer demand is high enough”. If we even go further back Randy also said if the Handsome Collection sells well that would help towards the goal of releasing a next-gen version of Borderlands 1.
Borderlands 10th Anniversary
The original Borderlands was released in 2009, so a 10th-anniversary thingy could be right around the corner. Or is this game going to be released this year and function as a filler until we do get Borderlands 3?
There are some upgrades I would like to see coming to the Borderlands 1 Remaster. If you have any demands let me know in the comments below.