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May 2023 Channel Update

May 2023 Channel Update
May 2023 Channel Update

Hey and welcome to another Channel Update. In these blogs, I want to give you an update on what has been going on in my life and on the website as I strive to create a kickass resource for you.


While I’m writing this I’m sick at home with the flu but wanting to push this update out.

Since the last update, I celebrated my wife’s birthday. Nice get-together having some friends and family coming over. I like having the birthday decoration up as I find them to spread happiness and joy around the house.

I’m teaching my youngest son to ride his bike without the training wheels. So I have been doing some running again 😛

Over the course of 4 weeks, I attended this Brand Development Class by 2K NextMakers. Which was a very interesting process. Learned a lot from it but also from the other attendees that shared their stories.

With all the updates to the site, I hit a 190-day content streak, with daily new content on the site. Which is a great achievement. With me being sick at the moment that’s likely going to break but it’s not the end of the site. I still got lots of plans for the future.


I added a lot of Borderlands 3 Named Enemies/Bosses to the site over the last couple of weeks. Linking those to their dedicated drops and vice versa. I’m proud I managed to get that all up on the site.

I going to add more Borderlands content on the site but I’m also going to clean up some of the old content. Some topics were written as news items and had multiple articles on them because the topic received several updates. It made sense back in the day, however, if you are searching for info on such a topic, you fall into this pit hole to uncover the latest truth.

I still love coming up with ideas about what Gearbox Software could do with Borderlands 4. Sometimes I stumble upon these types of articles on other sites and they fall flat for me. The most interesting thing was the title of the article and that is then covered in 2 lines halfway through the article and the rest is just fluff. The worst thing is that the idea is then not constructively conveyed and just says, yeah let GBX figure that out. No, you have an idea. Make your puzzle piece fit and think about game design.


Bethesda Benelux was so kind to offer me early access to Redfall and the game has taken a lot of my time lately. While the game isn’t super great, I have been enjoying my playtime for the most part and therefore added a ton of Redfall content to the site.

Some aspects of Redfall are interesting and could be fun if they made their way into the next Borderlands. However, the game has also shown me elements that I hope don’t make it into the Borderlands series.

I’m still going to some create content for Redfall but the game isn’t setting up Borderlands 3 levels of support. For example; Legendary Drops are random and guaranteed farming spots are being patched out of the game. Therefore, it isn’t necessary to add a page for each legendary item.

Immortals of Aveum

I spend a lot of time on Immortals before Redfall dropped which led to the studio featuring me in their newsletter. This game is going to be released in 2 months and you are going to get a bunch more info about Immortals of Aveum as my focus will shift towards that.

Written by
I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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