Table of contents
What are VaultLanders?
Vaultlanders are collectibles that you can find in New Tales From The Borderlands. They are hidden throughout the various environments in the game.
These collectibles are the basis for the epic Vaultlander minigame where you battle to the DEATH, figur-atively speaking of course because they are small plastic figures.
As you play through the story, there are surprise encounters where you’ll need to engage in plastic figurine warfare, attacking and dodging the enemy figurine via Quick Time Events.
These encounters are like your Pokemon battles and just like that franchise, the winner takes the loser’s Vaultlander for their collection!
Well, losing your Vaultlander is actually, the in-universe rule for hardcore Vaultlander players. Gearbox Software actually, designed the game in a way that you can’t lose your collectible, however, you need to restart the battle.
Vaultlander Battles occur in every episode in New Tales From The Borderlands. They are there to break away and change the pace of the game.
James Lopez (GBX Producer) mentioned in an interview that you can just bump into a rando after a big character moment and engage with a Vaultlander Battle.
As you play, you can acquire more and more Vaultlanders. You can even get a special FL4K Vaultlander when you Pre-Order New Tales From The Borderlands.
How do Vaultlander Battles Work?
Vaultlander Battles is basically a button basher with some counter moves. You can press the action button to attack your opponent.
Occasionally, the other player will fight back. You now have to dodge these attacks by performing a quick time event. You need to move your figurine in the direction that is shown on the screen (left, right, up, or down).
When you successfully dodged your opponent’s attacks they will be stunned for a brief moment. During this time window, you can deal critical hits which basically deal double damage.
Once your opponent’s life bar is drained you can perform your finisher. Each Vaultlander has a unique move to obliterate the opponent from the table. In order to do this you will need to successfully execute a series of actions. If done right, your vaultlander will perform their signature move, if not you are still victorious in combat.
During a special NextMakers Town Hall, Gearbox Senior Producer, James Lopez told that Vaultlanders initially only were going to be collectibles during the free movement sections of the game. However, when joking about these figures could be used in an in-universe fight game, things got out of control and Vaultlander battles were implemented into the game.
During the Character Introduction Trailer, you can see Octavio scroll through articles on his smartwatch. One of the articles has an image of Marcus Kincaid with the headline saying: “Vaultlanders Creator Wins Big” suggesting Marcus is the creator of Vaultlanders.
Every Vaultlanders
- Legendary
- Phuong – Increases time to dodge attacks.
- Handsome Jack – Attacked less frequently.
- Lilith – Dodges are easier.
- Fiona – Chance to deal critical damage on normal attacks.
- Epic
- Roland – Chance to block damage.
- Maya – Heals HP over time.
- Rare
- Salvador – Consecutive hits deal increased damage.
- Vasquez – Drains life from the opponent.
- Axton – Deals constant damage over time
- Mordecai – Deals more critical damage
- Brick – Failed dodges deal damage
- Krieg – Attacks faster
- Uncommon
- Amara – Extends opponent stun time.
- Zane – Chance to succeed a failed dodge.
- FL4K – Bonus damage on stunned opponents.
- Moze – Takes reduced damage
- HOT Loader -Deals high damage over time and takes more damage.
- Common
- Claptrap – WARNING: DO NOT USE!
Hidden Vaultlander Locations
Do you want to know where to find every Vaultlander in New Tales From The Borderlands? Well, you are in luck because I have a full guide down below. I have seen other guides mention you need to get at least 50% in a relationship metric, however, if that was the case I would have received them all at once. That wasn’t the case.
Vaultlander Figurine | Hidden in Episode | Chapter | Location Guide |
Phuong | Episode 1 | Chapter 2 | When Anu is escaping the Atlas Spaceship Phuong will give it to you as she is about to leave to create a distraction. |
Claptrap | Episode 1 | Chapter 2 | When playing Octavio you return Junipor to Paco, he will install 2 new apps on your Echodex. Don’t fix the radio but first scan the trash pile across Paco’s stand where you started this zone. |
Amara | Episode 1 | Chapter 2 | When Fran showcases the damage to her Frogurt Shop. You first need to show the rubble in the back and then smash it. |
Zane | Episode 2 | Chapter 3 | Win the Vaultlander battle with the Tediore soldier. |
Vazquez | Episode 3 | Chapter 2 | When looking for spare parts as Anu, inspect the fridge in the backroom and win the dual. |
Roland | Episode 3 | Chapter 6 | When playing Anu and you need to fix the body in the morgue. Check the storage units in the back of the room. Then win the Dual. |
Maya | Episode 4 | Chapter 4 | When Anu has to solve scientific problems, this Vaultlander is standing on the desk. At the end of the room. |
Brick | Episode 4 | Chapter 4 | When Fran inspects her new Froyo shop. Open the car truck on the left side of the shop. Win the Vaultlander battle |
Mordecai | Episode 4 | Chapter 4 | When Fran inspects her new Froyo shop. Inspect the cash register on the counter. Inside you will find your Vaultlander |
Moze | Episode 4 | Chapter 4 | When Fran tries to rescue Lou13, the Badass superfan will challenge you to a dual. Win this duel |
Handsome Jack | Episode 5 | Chapter 4 | There is a red X in the left back corner of Susan Cowel’s office. Win the Duel to obtain the Handsome Jack Vaultlander. |
Krieg | Episode 5 | Chapter 4 | When finding Anu guarded by Stapleface. You will need to take her to protect Anu. Stapleface will give you the Vaultlander as a sign of friendship |
Lilith | Complete | – | Don’t merge with the crystal in Episode 5 – Chapter 6 |
Fiona | Complete | – | Merge with the crystal in Episode 5 – Chapter 6 |
Ellie | Complete | – | Trigger Unknown because the 50% Frogurt ‘n Tacos score that other sites mentioned didn’t work for me |
Zero | Complete | – | Get at least a 75% Skateboard Score (I’m working on confirmation) |
FL4K | – | – | Pre-Order Bonus |
Salvador | – | – | Connect a SHiFT account. |
HOT Loader | – | – | Claim SHiFT Code |
Axton | – | – | Like/Share: Borderlands or Gearbox on Twitter |
Did you really need to put a massive spoiler on this page!? (Lilith) Jesus guys..
The game has multiple endings, your choices determine your outcome.
A Fiona vaultlander can be acquired in the final chapter of episode 5 by merging the shards
Doing that playthrough now! 😂 Thank you!