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Are Raid Bosses coming to Borderlands 3?

Raid Bosses - Borderlands 3
Raid Bosses - Borderlands 3

No Raid Bosses (YET)

Graeme Timmins, Lead Borderlands 3 Live Team, is brainstorming to fill the community’s need for classic Borderlands raid bosses. With Borderlands 3, Gearbox Software wants to deliver a lot of post-launch content. There are the 4 story campaign add-ons, the seasonal events, and the takedowns. They currently have a lot of content planned on the roadmap. However, classic raid bosses as we know them from previous Borderlands games isn’t currently one of those things that is on the roadmap. That said, this doesn’t mean it never will be on the things-to-do list.

Tweet the Boss

Graeme confirmed this info during a twitter exchange that he had with Ki11erSix. Who asked Graeme for classic raid bosses like Terramorphous The Invincible. Having challenging boss fights for the hardcore players. In previous Borderlands games you had to pay Eridium to get access to these invincible bosses. The only invincible boss that is currently in the game is Wotan. This is the final boss of the Maliwan takedown. While hardcore players like the challenging fight with Wotan, they aren’t a fan of going through the whole obstacle course to get there every single time. There isn’t a save station to make this fight quickly repeatable. What is something that the community wants.

Borderlands Show

Maybe Graeme will be able to shine a bit more light on this situation during the upcoming Borderlands Show. During this episode, Graeme will go over all the community feedback and Gearbox’s plans with Borderlands 3.

Question: Which classic Raid Boss would you like to see return in Borderlands 3?


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