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Redfall Offline Mode Saved the Game from Eternal Darkness

Redall Offline Mode
Redall Offline Mode

Update (June 5, 2024)

Redfall wasn’t received well at launch and while the studio Arkane Austin improved the game a lot since then, it was likely that Redfall would suffer the same fate as Battleborn and end up in darkness once the online servers were taken offline.

Luckily Arkane Austin added an offline mode to Redfall with their big Game Update 4 patch. This last-moment update almost didn’t happen as Microsoft was about the close the studio and stop all development on the game. The announcement of Microsoft closing the Arkane Austin came days before the release of the update as the team was finalizing its big patch.

  • You will be able to continue playing if you’re disconnected from the Internet in the middle of a solo session.
  • When playing in co-op, the host will be dropped into a solo offline session.
  • You are now also able to pause your single-player game session because of the latest patch.

Original Article (March 27, 2023)

The Creative Director of Redfall – Harvey Smith – talked about an offline mode for their upcoming game. In an interview with Eurogamer, Harvey talked about why they went with an always-online approach.

Arkane Studios made Redfall always online so that they could get data on how people played their game and where players ran into problems.

Harvey assured that there is no store in the game filled with microtransactions, they are doing DLC just as they did with previous games. There is the Bite Back version of the game and Customization can be found in the world by simply playing the game.

When Arkane heard the feedback about the always-online feature, the developer listened and they are looking into it. Harvey couldn’t promise anything but they are working actively toward fixing that in the future.

This is great news, yeah on one side you always want to be online to get the latest patch, check up on your friends, etc. However, on the other side, you might not have a stable connection or need to share the bandwidth with other family members.

Redfall will likely ship with “Always-Online” but later down the line that might not be the case anymore.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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