Harvey Smith and Ricardo Bare from Arkane Studios spoke with GamesRadar about their upcoming game Redfall. They talked about how their game draws inspiration from Borderlands, FarCry, and D&D. However, one of the noteworthy topics they mentioned is the Dynamic Dialogue System.
Redfall features a dialogue system that adapts depending on the characters in the game. A conversation between Dev and Layla will be different from Dev and Remi or Jakob in that manner. Each will bring their own unique personality to the conversation.
As the characters will hang out more with each other they will start to bond and their talking points will become more intimate. This not just gives you rich character building as the trust opens up between the Vampire slaying heroes, but it also unlocks a game mechanic buff called the “Trust Buff”.
It sounds that the longer you play together, certain stats could be increased. As the characters bond, their team morale grows. I can see the development team implementing small boosts to the team’s attack and defense stats.
The developers already spoke about special abilities carrying over to the other heroes when you max out a skill. For example, if Jakob goes all out on his cloaking ability then other team members also get that perk.