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New Revenge of the Traunt family DLC for Borderlands 3?

Borderlands 3 - Traunt Family
Borderlands 3 - Traunt Family

Developers Tease Things to come

Every time when there is a new update about borderlands 3, the developers of the BL3 live team always signal boost that post and share a personal note. This time the note is kinda cryptic and therefore stands out.

While Graeme and Mario are on theme, regarding the carnage community challenges, they both hint towards the same thing; The Traunt family hasn’t forgotten last week.

GBX Dev Teases Traunt Plans
GBX Dev Teases Traunt Plans

Is the rest of the Traunt family planning to take revenge on us for killing Captain Traunt, General Traunt, and Captain haunt?

Will we see a “Revenge of the Traunt Family DLC?” would this be a Head Hunter Pack or a Takedown?

More Borderlands 3 Content incoming

Randy Pitchford stated earlier that they are still working on Borderlands 3 content but couldn’t share their plans just yet. It’s great to hear that there is still stuff up on the Roadmap.

I’m not sure what to expect, I would love to see another Takedown. Some community members have stated a while back that they would love to see a Traunt Takedown, however, my brain can’t work out how “free” content works at this point in the game’s life cycle. A paid Head Hunter Pack would make more sense.

Traunt Takedown

While laying Borderlands 3, you can find hints to other family members of the Traunt family. If you take a close look at those names, they are actually references to the GBX writing team. It would be fun to see them come into action.

Traunt Bosses are unique Maliwan heavies. I don’t want the Traunt Takedown to be just another Maliwan Takedown. That said, the Maliwan Takedown has been better received than the Guardian Takedown.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

Let Me Know What You Think

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  1. That’s why I would prefer a Raid Boss like the mom and the dad.

  2. When father traunt jumps into the arena, large text saying “who’s your daddy” explodes on the screen

  3. Not a paid DLC, but rather a new takedown or toggleable event. Either way, the community has been beggi… https://t.co/Cjl7yaBsyV

  4. It’s something I’ve been begging for, takedowns were an amazing concept. The Maliwan hit a home run for… https://t.co/Mb9AUZZhUU

  5. Ohhh what if they took that giant death sphere that’s in the game files (I read that supposedly it was… https://t.co/nVhF1Tmp17

  6. Can we get Traunts grandma to tell a little story?


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