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Space Punks Gets Friendly Update

The Friendly One

It’s been a while since we got an update about Space Punks but the team has been hard at work. On December 7th we can expect the “Friendly One” update. This patch will include a ton of stuff that should make your play sessions a lot smoother.

The Party System has received some well-deserved attention making it easier to invite your friends and to keep on your team. You can also invite players in your hub world, as well as any you may have grouped up with previously. The entire system also got a new lick of paint, with a whole new UI to make navigating your social menus and groups much easier!

Improvements are also coming to contracts, your daily and weekly challenges! Overall the system should be more user-friendly; you can check your progress in missions, there are neat little pop-ups to track your progress, and alerts for when you have one to hand in. No excuses for forgetting now!

There are also numerous bug fixes (code ones, there will still be enemies on Banik), as well as some improvements to your character’s movement, so no more laggy controls or glitchy jitters!

There will be a full change list when the update goes live on December 7th, can’t wait to see you all in Devils’ Gambit!

Features & Improvements:

Storm Grinders – Mission Overhaul

A brutal lightning storm is sweeping across Stopan, meaning it’s the perfect time to do some Storm Grinding! All pathfinders know that Storm Grinding is one of the most effective ways of collecting Stopinium, and the mission has been overhauled with that in mind.

As per the T&Cs of your employment, you’ll be working with heavy equipment during incredibly fierce electrical storms. So whatever you do, don’t forget to dodge the lightning bolts (and robots) while working those drills. After all, cleaning up the fried remains of careless workers is a huge financial drain that we could do without. Fortunately, Storm Grinding is an activity you don’t need a license for, and running over robots over won’t result in any fines. Go big or go home, as they say.

Contract Log 

A true Pathfinder knows that contracts are of pivotal importance to those looking to fill their coffers. Thus, we’ve modernized the contract systems to ensure the experience is smoother than ever! You will be able to monitor your progress on a mission on a convenient display and receive prompts when a mission is finished. Plus, reminders will show up when you’re in the lobby, so there are no more excuses for not delivering on your contracts. And no, waking up on an uncharted asteroid alone with a leisure bot and no obvious means of transportation after a night of excessive merriment is not an acceptable excuse!

Simplified Party Flow 

Sorting out a party with friends or temporary allies has never been easier. You can now see people in your current hub, and even see players you were recently on a mission with. While we were at it, we also slicked up the interface a tad. Anything for y’all and your BFFs x

Visual Gear Improvements 

Where there’s money there are also regulations, and Devil’s Gambit is no exception. To avoid the ire of those pesky inspectors, vault and upgrader displays have been tweaked so you can now you can tell what rarity an item is based on its color. And yes, Fame Road is all purple now. Loving it!


The workshop has had a tune-up – we’re talking tooltips, icons, descriptions, all the small stuff that needed a loving touch. Additionally, everything you can work with there has been organized into a separate inventory tab so you can easily access and review it. A tidy desk means a tidy mind!

Heroes and Hero Avatars 

Out with the old and in with the new! In order to show off each character in their absolute bestest light, we’ve updated their portraits. Not only does the team look absolutely splendid, but our motley crew has also been taking extra gym classes between missions meaning they now move with more confidence, smoothness, and, dare we say grace. They’re gonna look FABULOUS on the dancefloor! Enjoy!

Bug fixes:

Hoardspace is a dangerous place, we know. But don’t worry, we’re here for you.*

Crash fixes:

• Fixed a crash that could have occurred during and at the end of the “Shooting Stars” challenge

• The game will no longer get stuck on the loading screen when loading into a mission


• The “What’s up?” button’s date now matches the current update

• The build ID label now displays correctly across resolutions and windowed mode

• The Main Menu will now refresh correctly after maintenance has ended

• Players should now receive info about incoming maintenance while in the Hub or on a mission

• Fixed an issue where the DualShock 4 controller was recognized by the game as an Xbox controller

• The button prompt for the “Return directly to gameplay” action in the Options interface now has a description

• The game no longer briefly freezes when switching away from the “Controls” tab of the Options interface Audio and Sensitivity sliders now follow the cursor more smoothly

• The Confirm button has been moved back on-screen in the Options menu, and now works properly if rebound

• After quitting a game, the party leader can once more re-join the previously formed party

The Credits UI now has correct button prompts

• Party leaders can once again see stars next to their avatars

• Players should no longer get stuck at the start of missions while in party

• Fixed some Bob and Finn VFX

• Lighting will no longer disappear when the game is set to a lower quality than High


• Finn can now use Dash while performing a melee attack

• The camera no longer snaps to the player’s location after using certain Heavy Attacks

• The Gauntlet’s Heavy Attack decal no longer disappears instantly

• Players can no longer sprint while charging the Hammer’s Heavy Attack

• The Fang animation now correctly completes when an enemy dies

• The Tesla Gun will no longer stop dealing damage

• Duke’s decoy now has correct visuals

• Weapon recoil animations no longer get stuck after firing

• Electric barrel explosions will slow the player once more

• Disruptors will no longer block players if they land on them

• The value displayed for timed mission rewards will now properly scale with character level

• Players can no longer die quicker than their “Lifeline” passive can activate Hub


• The “Components” category now correctly lists all components

• The time and percentage of blueprint upgrades now display correctly

• Crafted items can now be equipped from the preview screen

• Choosing a different Battery will now properly update Software slots

• Weapons stats in the Vault and Crafting/Blueprints will no longer differ from each other

• Fixed an issue where some stats would change from decimal to percentage while crafting

• Bit graphics have been standardized

• Punch Cards stats now properly display decimal points

• Various Vault gear text issues have been fixed

• The “Heavy Damage” software has the proper icon and rarity

• Adding a Bit to the Medbelt should no longer change the stats in weird ways

• “Fire Rate”, “Spread” and “Reload time” software should now always change the relevant statistics when crafting

• The player can no longer use “Spread” software on weapons with no spread stat

• Emberspirit no longer shows its “Damage” stat three times while crafting

• Hardware crafting materials now have descriptions

• Secondary stats are now visible outside of just crafting, and will now properly display after crafting

• Software now properly decreases stats when it is meant to

• The controller scrolling sensitivity has been reduced while browsing Blueprints in the Crafting menu

• The Change Hero interface now opens at the correct distance from the vendor

• D-Pad Down will once again allow you to select different missions when talking to an NPC

• Companions can once again leave the vicinity of the Premium Store once equipped

• The preview video for the Heavy Melee skill actually shows the Heavy Melee skill

• Character specific talents no longer display as placeholders

• Talent items no longer equip themselves to another empty slot when first equipped

• The “Earth-Shattering Kaboom!” talent item now works as intended

• Hovering over the Reward Chest icon now displays the resources correctly

• The daily chest can no longer be opened multiple times after completing the required number of Contracts

• Fixed some shadow issues in the Space Station

• The Cape “Emblem of Ruler” no longer turns green for other players when dashing in the Hub

• Scrapping once again shows what resources have been gained

• Players can once again scroll through items in Upgrader

• Completed Daily Contracts will now sum up for the daily total correctly

• Contracts no longer reward resources from non-existent planets!

• The position of a friend in the Friends list no longer changes after sending an invitation

• Contract bars no longer become stretched after claiming a contract

• The “Wear a cape” bonus objective has been removed, and so has the weekly contract

• Other players in the lobby no longer have placeholder mannequins Missions:

• The Rewards screen no longer visually updates when a party member dies during the teleport countdown

• The Summary Screen no longer splits coin stacks

• The Summary Screen now has appropriate tooltips, and the text and icons no longer overlap

• The hacking console navigation buttons are now properly displayed

• Challenge Mode First Aid kits now display properly

• Dune Worms no longer have a delay when dealing damage and knockback to players

• The “Keepers’ Cores” bots should now visibly turn around

• The Shieldbot Elite no longer looks weird when it hits Bob’s turret

• Fixed an issue where assault bots could dodge out of the map (and get stuck there)

• Welders will no longer clip through some of the Coolers in the mission “Crystal Flow”

• Enemies should no longer get stuck on certain rocks

• NOMOS-7 can use its minigun attack again!

• NOMOS-7’s lasers rotate around it properly once more

• The Dune Worm now has proper textures

• Assaultbots and taskbots will no longer stand idle next to the Heist console

• The tutorial’s difficulty has been reduced

• Hives on the “Bloody Harvest” mission can no longer spawn outside of the designated area

• The Neoplasm health bar no longer displays before the “Get Burnby’s location” objective has been completed

• Some objective icons were still displaying after their completion – this has been fixed

• Mission failure due to the destruction of a Transporter is now more obviously displayed to the player

• Burnby’s hatchery burnbying bar is now in the right place

• The “It’s only a Ghorgor” mission has proper rewards

• Items dropped from Loot Crates during missions are no longer placed outside of the player’s reach

• The Transmitter’s status bar shows the correct and current state during the Heist mission

• The Recover the Delivery Mission has correct objective text again

• The mission name no longer appears incorrectly to party members

• Fixed placeholder icons across various missions

• The prompt for attaching the cable in the Airflow missions now displays the appropriate button

• Fixed the text on a Beast Mode round objective

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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