Space Punks State of Development
Mod Spark left a statement upon the Space Punks Discord, you can read it down here
Is development still ongoing?
The development team is currently working hard on delivering a new update to the game which will be landing soon. On top of this, we are looking at future updates to focus on a tighter game loop to be more crafting-involved as well as a simplification of mission running to allow for a higher amount of play queues. Finally, we are also focused on a new End Game Mode, though this is more likely to come out early next year.
Where are the updates?
Our current schedule allows for updates every 6 – 8 weeks, and while this may not be as fast as we’d like, our intention is to tighten up specific systems already in-game while working on new additions that take a bit more time.
Will we be getting a roadmap?
There is a roadmap on the way! Currently, there is still some movement in game development on when certain features will be coming to the game, so we want to have a more concrete roadmap for you all when we do release one. Expect one in the coming weeks!
Why the need for wipes?
With the game still being in Early Access, a lot of core systems and features are constantly changing. As a result, some of these changes can fundamentally break a character’s progression, resulting in a player’s account being stuck outside the new systems. As a result, wiping progress so players can organically enter these new systems and features is the smoothest way to integrate them. We are looking into a solution for this in the future.