Gearbox Software talks about the upcoming Tales From The Borderlands. How Matt and Anthony traveled to the Telltale Studio to assist with the development of the game.
Kevin tells what you can expect from the demo that’s on the PAX Prime 2014 show floor.
They also announce that Tales and the Pre-Sequel can communicate with each other and therefore when you have both games. You will get a loyalty reward in Borderlands the Pre-Sequel and Tales From The Borderlands.
Matt Armstrong tells that Tales From The Borderlands will go into the fact of how life continues after the fall of Handsome Jack.
- Randy Pitchford President of Gearbox Software
- Mikey Neumann Chief Creative Champion
- Matthew Armstrong Franchise Creator & Director, Borderlands
- Kevin Bruner President and Co-Founder of Telltale Games
- Andrew Goldfarb Community Coordinator