Episode 7 of the Borderlands Show is premiering Thursday, May 21 at 8:00 AM PT. As always Greg and Fran will talk about their experiences with the game. Once again Mitsu will be one of the co-hosts. They will go over some of the recent big events. But that’s not all during the Borderlands Show we will also get a glimpse of what’s next on the Borderlands 3 Roadmap. We will get a first look at the new Takedown and receive hot details about DLC 3. So get ready for some big reveals!
- Reactions on Mayhem Mode 2.0
- Fine-Tuning Mayhem Mode 2.0
- Reactions on Revenge of the Cartels?
- Guardian Takedown
- Reveal of the 3rd Story Campaign Add-on
- SHiFT Code for Golden Keys
- DLC 4 Tease !!!
- Matt Cox, What were you doing before DLC3?
- I designed the Bosses in Borderlands 3.
- How does that work?
- You are restricted by the game mechanics but you have a blank check on what you can do.
- Do you have tips for Tyreen?
- welllll… there is actually a hidden mechanic for Tyreen that no one has found.
- Also, there is an easter egg in the Rampager
- How do you go from Boss designer to Creative Director?
- Gearbox actually helps you with your next step.