In the first borderlands, the only customization option we had was the ability to change the color pallet of the character. In the second game, Gearbox Software introduced character customization through the loot system, and this is how the Borderlands head & skins were born.
Borderlands the Pre-Sequel expands on this feature and we just got hold of the first Claptrap heads, however, his transformation is more than just a head. Claptrap’s whole “body” gets a new look, almost making it a new character. That said, customization skins are just a fresh coating of paint giving something a different look.
Are you looking forward to playing as Claptrap and is character customization totally your thing? Well, I just found the first customization skins for Claptrap!
These different Claptrap Skins give our little buddy a totally new look. So maybe I should start calling them Heads because skins are usually just a paint job if they keep the same customization abilities in this game.
Yeah, we know and love his default Hyperion look we even saw Claptrap in some weird outfits in the first borderlands game. From heavy metal badass motor head to an English gentleman, Claptrap does it all. However, these new Claptrap skins give our beloved character a makeover I never would have thought of.
Claptrap Skins
These screenshot indicate that there are 9 claptrap heads unlocked and that there are a total of 12 heads to collect. Here’s a list of the current 9 heads /skins.
- H4Z-TP
- V4C-TP
- P4K-TP