A new edition of the Borderlands community event The Hunt has officially been announced. #TheHunt2019 will start on February 4th, 2019 and will last 5 days.
If you want to participate the sign-up is officially opened, check out the link below. Make sure you are familiar with the rule set. This competition is for vanilla Borderlands 2.
The usage of the Unofficial Community Patch or any mods that change the vanilla drop rates are NOT allowed. Also, no Golden Key items are allowed.
For the full list of rules and regulations check out the resources below because some rules have changed since last year. Hopefully, Gearbox will support these types of events in the next Borderlands game.
The Hunt 2019 explanation video by KillerSix
This year’s LootHunt contains some new experiences because with the release of Borderlands 2 VR you can now also participate in VR.
Another great addition to the LootHunt is the new website. Here you can sign up and register your loot when you participate in the event. There will be a leaderboard and you can check out your ranking and drops.
Lazydata finished second in Loothunt2018. Here are a few tips:
- Character choice: The hunt goes to OP8 and involves UVHM raid bosses. Pick a character that you are comfortable with to do these events. Not just Sal ’cause he’s the best, use the one YOU are best with.
- Don’t waste time! You don’t need a level 1 hornet! If the exp is no longer good, move on, you need level 72 so don’t waste your time not getting exp. You can get that item later!
- DON’T NEGLECT YOUR HEALTH! It’s very tempting to buy a crate of Red Bull and pull a 24-hour day one. But don’t! It’s a multi-day event. Pace yourself, take breaks, get proper sleep, and drink plenty of water. Always be playing at your best, not on 3 hours of sleep!
Abbreviated SpeedRun Guide by Joltzdude139
Full Speedrun by Joltdude139 on Twitch
The Hunt 2019 Leaderboard
Congratz to LazyData on winning the Hunt 2019.
See you next time at The Hunt 2020
Camden Boi
@Ki11ersix This could actually get me back into the streaming fun again 🙂
Alistair Ernest Gan-son Outen
Brett Outen
Aaron Barrera
Nathan Burden
Bill Hewitt
do i need a web cam to stream
Brian C Haner
I know I am not going to get any answer her, but I would like to join in on this.
Where do I go to set up steaming? I’m a tech so just name the streaming service most will use, and I’ll get on it.
I’m on PC, is there a place I could connect with other players to keep within the rules and co-op? I’ve got several builds to OP8 without playing online, have all achievements in the game, and over 1300 hours on Steam in this game. I like play as Axton, Maya, Zero. In that t order. Before I pick who I’d play as, I’d like to connect with some other players to see what would fit in best with the group of other players.
Most people will stream on Twitch. The point is that you start a new character for this event, so you don’t have to have OP8 builds. You could find players on the GBX forums / reddit / GBX discord:
Brian C Haner
Very helpful. Thanks.
Brian C Haner
I have a question about this part in the rules.
– Co-Op play is encouraged, all signed up with a column must be streaming. If a drop is found during a playthrough with multiple column-assigned participants, only ONE (1) highlight is needed; please make sure to put the names of your co-op partners in the highlight description/clip title. You may play with partners that are not participating on the spreadsheet via co-op. However it must be determined that your co-op partner must have started a new character ON FEBRAURY 4th.
What is “Column” and what is the thing about highlight? I have never run a stream before, and I have OBS up and working with Twitch, so is there something on Twitch I need to do when I get a drop?
And is the a tut for this score card? It’s description says add it to your Steam overlay. I’ve just dropped it on my OBS, but that means I have to fumble around to update it.If I Streamed games all the time, this would all probably be elementary, but as a n00b streamer, I’m not sure I’ve put it all together the right way.