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The Hunt 2021: Winter Edition – Borderlands 3 Community Event


The Hunt Goes Brrr

Ki11erSix announced a winter edition of The Hunt. This Borderlands 3 community-led event will send you on a quest to collect all legendary weapons in the game. By doing so, you will earn points and the person that has the most points in the shortest time will win The Hunt.

New to The Hunt this time is the inclusion of DLC 2 and after feedback from the previous event, some rules have changed. Be sure you are up to date on all the rules before participating.

Like previous Hunt events, we will once again be raising money for St. Jude Children’s Hospital. The mission of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is to advance cures, and means of prevention, for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment. No child is denied treatment based on race, religion, or a family’s ability to pay. They take care of everything so the people in their care don’t have to worry about anything. All-in-all a very good cause!

You can participate for fun or the competition, by registering at the Official The Hunt Website.

You can donate at our Tiltify or help us raise money for St Jude by starting your own and supporting The Hunt Goes Brrr campaign.

How to the Support Tiltify Campaign?

  1. Go to The Hunt Tiltify Campaign

    Link to Tiltify Campaign

  2. Click “Support Campaign”

    Scroll down and find the button for [support campaign]

  3. Sign in

    If you are going to stream The Hunt, you want to sign in using your Twitch account

  4. Create your campaign

    Name your campaign (this will also influence your campaign URL) and give it a description (example; “Helping The Hunt Raise Money for St. Jude Children’s Hospital”).

  5. Add Livestream details

    Connect Your Twitch Channel

  6. Video Details

    If you have a Youtube video explaining your campaign, you can add that.

  7. Image Details

    You can use The Hunt logo from the assets.

  8. Media Details

    Select Livestream

  9. Set your campaign goal

    Helping raise any amount of money is awesome

  10. Finish up

    You are all set, Press Create Campaign and you are good to go!


  • Date: December 3 at 10:00AM ET and end on December 10th at 11:59PM ET
  • Game: Borderlands 3 + DLCs
  • Rules: English / Spanish
  • Prizes: Yes


100% of the proceeds go to St. Jude Children’s Hospital. This way you get cool merch and help make the world a better place. If you grab one of the items, please do me a favor and send a photo.


The Hunt Goes Brrr, therefore, I made a winter wonderland version of The Hunt 2021 design that you liked so much during the previous event.

Ugly Sweater Print

I had this idea of doing an ugly sweater design but thought it would be a bold move. So I checked in with MystiqueSiren during her stream and the first thing she said; “We need an Ugly Sweater Print”. LOL! Consider it done.


Friend of the charity event, Pilot once again contributed the logo for the event. We liked it SO MUCH that we wanted it to print it on everything (Thanks Dude).

The Hunt 2021 Winter Edition by Pilot



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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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