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The Hunt 2023 – Borderlands 3 Community Event

Borderlands 3 The Hunt 2023
Borderlands 3 The Hunt 2023

The Hunt 2023 came to an end. Thank you to everyone who helped with the event and raised money for St Jude or contributed in any other way!

The next event will be in January 2024 and that scavenger hunt will feature Borderlands 2 as its main game.

The Hunt 2023 Leaderboard

Congrats to everyone who managed to complete The Hunt within the set time window. Here is the official TOP 5, with last year’s winner, Deceptix, rising to the top again!

  1. Deceptix
  2. apple1417
  3. Willful
  4. HawkinAround
  5. Shadow Assasin

The Hunt 2023 Donations

The Borderlands Community managed to raise $51,671.59 for St. Jude Children’s Hospital during the course of the event.

The Hunt 2023 Daily Updates

I posted an update on the state of the Hunt over the course of the event on Social Media.

The Hunt 2023 Announcement

A new edition of The Hunt was announced by fellow content creator Ki11ersix. During these events, the Borderlands Community is challenged to obtain every legendary item in the game. The goal is to collect all the items as fast as possible but also raise money for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.

The event will be held from August 7th at 9 am Eastern and last until August 13th at 11:59:59pm Eastern time. This summer event will feature Borderlands 3 as its playground but another event is planned for the winter that will feature Borderlands 2.

I’ll continue to update this article as more news about The Hunt 2023 drops, so check back for more info.

The Hunt 2023 Details


Everyone who donates has a chance to win various prizes that were made available by Gearbox Gives and 2K Games. These include merch, collectibles, and a Zoom meeting with Gearbox Entertainment President – Randy Pitchford – who will teach you 2 magic tricks.


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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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