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These Anointment Changes Have Shifted The Borderlands 3 Meta

Borderlands 3 New Anointment Meta
Borderlands 3 New Anointment Meta


Gearbox Software added a lot of cool stuff with the June 24, 2021, update. We received crossplay, level cap increase, permanent seasonal events, and a lot of tweaks. One of those adjustments is to the anointments. With the introduction of the final level cap increase, Gearbox Software thought this was the best time to make changes to the current Anointment meta. Because of the level cap increase, you will already be farming for new gear, therefore, this meta change doesn’t have much of an impact on your gear.

Gearbox Software wants to focus on character-specific anoints. They want you to create a dedicated build instead of relying on anoints that work well in any situation. Therefore you will see a reduction in some of the generic anoints that work well on everything and a buff on the character-specific anoints.

We will be monitoring community feedback very closely as we anticipate there will be a lot of discussion surrounding this topic. We will make further adjustments to these changes as deemed necessary.

Gearbox Software


  • Astral Projection damage is increased from 100% to 200% for Phasecast and related Action Skills
  • While Phasegrasp is active, Weapon Damage is increased from 100% to 150%
  • Orb damage is increased from 100% to 200% for Phaseflare and related Action Skills


  • While Fade Away is active, Weapon Damage is increased from 100% to 150%
  • While Gravity Snare is active, Weapon Damage is increased from 100% to 250%
  • After using Rakk Attack!, gain increased critical hit damage for a short time. Increased from 50% to 100%
  • After using Attack Command, gain life steal for a short time. Increased from 30% to 50%


  • While Iron Bear is active, Bear Fist damage is increased from 100% to 300%
  • While Iron Bear is active, Salamander damage is increased from 100% to 200%
  • While Iron Bear is active, Rail Gun damage is increased from 100% to 150%
  • While Iron Bear is active, Minigun damage is increased from 100% to 150%
  • While Iron Bear is active, V-35 Grenade Launcher damage is increased from 100% to 200%
  • While Iron Bear is active, Vanquisher Rocket Pod damage is increased from 100% to 150%
  • While Iron Cub is active, Weapon Damage is increased from 100% to 150%
  • After exiting Iron Bear, the next 2 magazines will have a 10% increased fire rate and not 20% but 100% critical damage


  • MNTIS Shoulder Cannon damage is increased from 100% to 150%
  • While Barrier is active, Accuracy is increased by 60%, and Critical Hit damage is increased from 70% to 125%
  • While Digi-Clone is active, regenerate not 12% but 30% of magazine ammo per second


  • Killing an enemy grants not 5% but 12.5% Weapon Damage and Reload Speed for 25 seconds; this effect stacks but is now capped to 10
  • On Action Skill End, Action Skill cooldown rate is increased from 20% to 50% for a short time
  • On Action Skill End, Gain not 15% but 30% Life Steal for a short time
  • Gain not 300% but 150% increased Weapon Damage against enemies above 90% Health
  • While under 50% health, deal not 150% but 100% bonus radiation damage
  • Consecutive Hits increase Weapon Damage by 1% per hit but is now limited to 100 stacks. misses remove all bonuses.
  • On Action Skill End, Splash Damage is increased by 125% instead of 200% for a short time
  • While an Action Skill is Active, Weapon Damage is increased by 100% instead of 200%
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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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