In IGN’s Hands-on Preview, you already have gotten a glimpse of Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. However, now they posted a video containing 23 minutes of uncut gameplay. In this video, you get more of a feel for some of the NPCs and the Dragon Lord. While it says “Uncut” gameplay, there are a few cuts. The story moments have been removed from this video. Therefore, you only see the combat sections as the player goes from point A to point B. So mild spoiler but no major plot reveals.
Video Analysis
I’m seeing a lot of things return that I already covered in the Hands-on Preview Breakdown.
- When the brigde breaks at the start you see a Lucky Die on the other side. There are a few more throughout this game play.
- Hyperion Weapon Shields are back but that is also outlined in the Weapons section
- The new vending machines look cool. I saw Moxsy speculate what they could be. But it’s probably Magic (Grenades), Wards (Shields), and Weapons.
- The Dragon Lord is constantly in your face taunting you. This is something we have seen GBX do before but this comes in with a different additude. Ki11erSix also sees a lot of potential here.
- EpicNNG mentioned a Melee Cooldown, however, that’s not it. If you look at the sides of the screen there is this forst edge with red sparks emmiting from it. This ticking sounds signals the end of the Enraged abiltiy of the Brr-Zerker.
- The Queen’s waypoint unlocks more of your powers as a fatemaker. Not sure what it unlocks. The player already has both actions skills, multiple weapon slots. Since there is no HUD in the video we see no visual hints. Then again, IGN was playing with a pre-made character so for demo puroses they could have already unlocked the thing.
- The BL3 Atlas tracking dart seen on a Alt-Fire of the Vladof Repeater
- The Brr-Zerker’s Feral Surge Action Skill (Leap + Smash) seems to have multiple charges
- There is a Magic Beans Shop and Brad’s Catsmith
- Sword Skeleton – Close combat type
- Skeleton Archers – A purple glow indicates they are charging their shot. Can punch you when you are close range.
- Mage Skeleton – Waves its mace before casting a Fire/Ice ball spell
- Skeleton Knights – Sword Slash, Sword Throw, Smashes thr ground that causes a shockwave travel to you
- Armed Skeleton – Using a ranged weapon to shoot at you
- Troll – Throwing big rocks at you
- Unarmed Skeletons – run at you
- Suicide Skeletons – Run at you with a torch and blow themselfs up near you.
- Wyvern – Spitting bombs on the ground, Fire breath, Barrelrole attack