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Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Update:

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Patch
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Patch

Gearbox Software has released the fourth patch for Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands this includes more impactful bug fixes and changes.

The changes included in this update will be live on all platforms by 9:30 AM PT on August 11, 2022.

Check the in-game news screen on the Main Menu or Pause Menu if you have the latest version. Exit and relaunch the Game if the update didn’t come through.

Please submit bug reports and feedback to support.2k.com.

Downloadable Content

This downloadable update will include support for the fourth Content Drop from the Season Pass and various bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • A new Class has been added: the Blightcaller!
    • The Blightcaller is a Status Effect and Elemental damage specialist. Killing enemies restores their Wards, and spreading Status Effects grants them enhanced and supernatural abilities. The Blightcaller is able to call upon the Spirits, and summon temporary Companions to aid them in battle.
    • Access to the Blightcaller class is granted via Shattering Spectreglass, the fourth chapter of post-launch content included in the Season Pass and Chaotic Great Edition.

Weekly Rotations

Weekly Event

The Golden Path Mini-Event will provide you with more gold from all enemies throughout the game and a better chance of getting a dedicated drop from Banshee, Ribula, Zomboss, and Parasite.

This in-game, limited-time mini-event will be active from August 11 to September 1 at 9:00 AM PT.

Featured Runs are available in the Chaos Chamber after you’ve completed the main story, and rotate weekly every Thursday at 9:00 AM PT. They’re the same for all players, so jump in and see how your run went compared to other Fatemakers!

This run features Wastard, Vorcanar, Llance, and Oculus! Get ready to take on a new Extended Featured Run in the Chaos Chamber!

Loot Room

Have you checked out the goodies for sale in the Vending Machines for the Chaos Chamber’s Loot Room? They switch out their merchandise every week!

Change Notes

In addition to this support, some changes have been made that we wanted to give special mention to based on feedback from the community:

  • Fatemakers would occasionally encounter an infinite loading screen when loading into Dreamveil Overlook or the Overworld
  • Sully would occasionally not attach to his body properly, causing a progression blocker during “On the Wink of Destruction”
  • “Destroy Kwartz” objective would not always mark as completed if Fatemakers destroyed clusters before triggering it
  • Lake Lady would not always attack Fatemakers in “A Knight’s Toil”
  • Zomboss would not always stay dead like the rest of the bosses
  • Fatemakers would occasionally get stuck in Gloopathoth, Aspect of Abyss’ Boss Arena in the Chaos Chamber after defeating the boss quickly
  • Fatemakers would not consistently see Bone Mage variants cast their Magic Missile attack
  • Tamed orc eyebrows when wearing the Wouldst Thou mask
  • Ear Cosmetics would sometimes not match the other cosmetics when dropped
  • Melee attack sounds and animation would occasionally repeat during cutscenes if the Fatemaker attacked as they started
  • Fatemakers would occasionally not be able to interact with the Mirrors in Dreamveil Overlook when leaving a multiplayer session
  • Fyodor’s Shield Barrier would not always be visible to all players
  • Passive buff icons would occasionally not update when changing maps
  • Royal Splendor Armor Color has been unlocked for all players
  • Blessings in Chaos Chamber would sometimes not be awarded to players who joined multiplayer late
  • [PC with FSR 2.0] Various FSR 2.0 improvements
  • Various UI adjustments and improvements
  • Various performance and stability improvements
  • Various hotfixes were nativized
  • …and more!

Gear Adjustments

  • Lethal Catch Ring would not consistently apply additional effects when Fatemakers killed Land Sharks or Crabs
  • Thumb Cuff Ring would not consistently apply additional effects when Fatemakers were in Chaos Chamber
  • Spirit Rune would not consistently reward the Ward regeneration delay reduction
  • Stats on the Shell Casing Ring would sometimes not be increased when ammo was low
  • Finger Ward Ring would sometimes not remove bonuses for being at full Ward after the Fatemaker unequipped their Ward
  • Damage Radius and Critical Damage Spell Augments would not consistently function across spells
  • Non-elemental Wards would occasionally roll with the Resistance Augment
  • Antique Greatbow would sometimes significantly slow the Fatemaker’s movement
  • Tyrant’s Truth armor, from the Molten Mirrors DLC, would sometimes not dismiss Companions after save/loading into a map
  • Tyrant’s Truth armor would not consistently function when the player loads from the main menu
  • Wards that reflect projectiles and the Frying Pan melee weapon would sometimes not correctly aim at firing sources when fighting Fyodor
  • Elder Wyvern’s Ring would sometimes not increase gun damage properly
  • Head of the Snake would sometimes not apply to hydra spawned from Feriore weapons
  • Throwing Throwable Hole into the singularity would sometimes not increase explode damage
  • Cape of Tide armor would not always show the water nova in multiplayer
  • Time Skip spell would sometimes not apply status effect damage
  • Spells with Frozen Orbs would sometimes not slow down when hitting some bosses

Class Adjustments

  • Stabbomancer‘s From the Shadow skill would occasionally persist past the intended duration when Fatemakers Fast Traveled
  • Stabbomancer Exploit Their Weakness skill could unintentionally stack with the same element
  • Graveborn‘s Demi-Lich companion would sometimes shoot with a low-resolution texture when fighting enemies
  • Graveborn Reaper of Bones skill would not consistently display its duration in multiplayer
  • Clawbringer would occasionally be unable to melee after recalling their hammer and casting spells
  • Clawbringer Awe skill would sometimes not trigger with the bonus fire/lighting damage from “Oath of Fire” and “Oath of Thunder”
  • Increases to Spore Warden‘s Mushroom Companion damage would be added, rather than multiplied by bonus damage increases like the other Companions
  • Skeep spawned from the Spellshot Polymorph skill would not guarantee a free spell cast as described on the item card
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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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