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Veteran Reward provides end-game loot in Borderlands 3

Veteran Reward provides amazing end-game loot in Borderlands 3

Veteran Rewards Vending Machine

Since the Borderlands 3 reveal, I have been asking myself what is up with that vending machine just outside of Crazy Earl’s door. During the presentation at the reveal event gearbox software showed off various locations and NPCs on the spaceship Sanctuary III. One of these locations was the cargo bay. In the back, you can find Crazy Earl and the Veteran Rewards vending machine. From the looks of it, this vending machine looks to only accept Eridium. During my play session at the FL4K reveal event, I found this to be true.

End-Game Loot

In this vending machine, you can purchase high-level loot. These items are great for end-game. You can only obtain these items by purchasing them with Eridium. You can get this rare currency throughout the game. Enemies drop it, you can receive it as a mission reward, or you can harvest it as you can find eridium crystals throughout the game.

Anointed Bonus

The items in the veteran rewards vending machine have a bonus stat called ‘Anointed’. This stat will augment your weapon based on a special requirement. These can be character class-specific or tied into your actions skills. Here are some in-game examples.

Veteran Rewards Vending Machine - Borderlands 3

Veteran Rewards Vending Machine – Borderlands 3


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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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