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What is the max level cap in Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 Max Level Cap
Borderlands 3 Max Level Cap

The current max level in Borderlands 3 is capped at level 72. When you reach the maximum level cap, you won’t gain any experience points (XP) that count toward your character’s level progression. Therefore, you won’t be able to unlock new skill points beyond that point. You will keep getting XP that counts towards your Guardian Rank. This is an infinite progression system that allows you to buff your Vault Hunter’s stats and unlock special rewards.

Borderlands 3 Max Level

LVL CapRelease DateNotes
LVL 50September 13th, 2019Default LVL Cap like every other Borderlands game at launch.
LVL 53February 13th, 2020Patch raised the level cap up to level 53, just 1 skill point short to unlock 2 capstones.
LVL 57March 26th, 2020Patch raised the level cap up to level 57. This free update was in conjunction with the release of DLC2: Guns, Love, and Tentacles.
LVL 60June 25th, 2020Patch raised the level cap up to level 60. This free update was in conjunction with the release of DLC3: Bounty of Blood.
LVL 65September 10, 2020Patch raised the level cap up to level 65. This free update is in conjunction with the release of DLC4: Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck DLC.
LVL 72June 24, 2021Patch raised the level cap up to level 72. This free update came alongside Crossplay, permanent events, and a ton of tweaks.

Can You Max all Skill Trees in Borderlands 3?

No, you have a total of 70 skill points to spend. This means that there aren’t enough skill points to max out all the skill trees. However, you are able to obtain 2 capstone skills. These are the final skills at the bottom of a skill tree. You do need to focus on going down the tree in order to reach this. Therefore, you cannot max out a lot of different skills in each tree.

Will the Level Cap Increase?

There are currently no new announcements from Gearbox Software nor 2K Games that the level cap will increase any further. However, Graeme Timmins, GBX developer who is the Lead of the Borderlands 3 Live Team, has mentioned that it’s nice to have a level cap increase with a new piece of content.

How to reach the Max Level?

When you play through the main story campaign of Borderlands 3 your character is probably somewhere around level 32. At that point, there are a couple of things you can do.

You can hop into the Slaughter Domes and defeat waves of enemies that are scaled at your level. As you continue to level up, so will your enemies.

Or you can hunt down the Proving Grounds. These are like mini raids that you run. Each Proving Ground has its own theme of enemies. This is a great place to get some legendary class mods.

You can activate Mayhem Mode. This lets you scale up the enemies and add gameplay modifiers to your play session.

Or you can jump into True Vault Hunter Mode. This is like a ‘NEW GAME+’, you can replay the game again with increased difficulty.

My recommendation: Once you completed the main story campaign, I would activate Mayhem Mode and set it to Mayhem Level 1 (M1). Pick a fun modifier like “Lootsplosion” to increase your loot. Go and complete the remaining side quest and hunt down the Proving Grounds. When you reached the Max Level, I would check out some of the awesome character builds and dive into one of the Takedowns. When you want a bigger challenge you can increase the Mayhem difficulty. There is exclusive Mayhem LVL4+ gear and Mayhem LVL6+ gear. The higher the Mayhem difficulty tier the more likely your loot will be anointed, with a 100% drop chance at Mayhem 8+.

The fastest way to reach the Max Level?

I have a complete guide on how to level up fast. You can use gear or increase the Mayhem difficulty to boost your XP Gain. Farming bosses for legendary gear is also awesome because you will get a lot of XP and legendary weapons. A good location to farm for XP is Eden-6, go and fight the Psychobillies. If you can DLC1, the Handsome Jackpot, you can farm the scraptraps. Check this guide for an in-depth walkthrough.

What is the Max Level Cap in Borderlands 3 Without DLC

The max level of Borderlands 3 without any of the DLCs is capped at level 72. Level Cap Increases are FREE updates that only require the latest patch and therefore work independently from the Borderlands 3 DLCs.

How to create additional Max Level Characters?

Screenshot from the Borderlands 3 Menu showcasing the Max Level Character Selection

Already have a Max Level character? Great, then you can create a new Max Character from the start by using the skip feature in the main menu.

Gearbox Software added a new skip point with the August 8, 2024 patch update. Normally, you could only start from the beginning of the game. When GBX released the story DLCs, you could skip the tutorial and would start on Sanctuary III ready to jump into one of the DLCs. Now, you can also select a Max Level Character that has finished the main story campaign.

Best Character Builds

As you level up your character, you want to create an awesome build that swiftly destroys your opponents. Because as your character level increases so will the difficulty of the game. Therefore you need to build that erases your enemies.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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