IGN interviewed Gearbox President Randy Pitchford in IGN Unfiltered and various topics pass the revue. One of those topics is why there is such a long wait for the next Borderlands game.
Randy mentions that Borderlands is very important to them, however, if they were doing Borderlands 3 they want it to be a big step up. While Randy does like Borderlands the Pre-sequel he knows that the next game has to step up its game. The team is figuring out how they can do that and then make a proper announcement and set expectations.
The full interview with Randy Pitchford on IGN Unfiltered
- Part 1 – (Half-Life, Halo, Brothers in Arms, Duke Nukem Forever, and much more)
- Part 2 – (Aliens, Battleborn, and More!)
Chris Beeler
I guess that means an ABSOLUTE “no” on a release compatible on X-box 360 or a way to play it with a shift code or something .
Chris Beeler
I thought we knew this already? That means November if I was a bettin’man! I hope the P.C. version has some Deluxe content!
Chris Beeler
Good things come to those who wait….patiently!:)
purple cat 700
Is Borderlands 3 gonna be on Xbox 360?
Josh Doncevic
Will probably pre-order it when they announce BL3 is being made. Borderlands is my absolute favourite series.
Yeah,I wonder if they will do a collectors edition.
Greg Ax Wilden
i’d rather they take their time and make it the best it can be
Yeah while the Pre-Sequel was fun, it was more of the same. Borderlands 2.5 , like Randy mentioned people want a good Borderlands 3