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Will Borderlands 3 have a Third Season Pass?

Borderlands 3 Season Pass 3
Borderlands 3 Season Pass 3

Borderlands 3: Season Pass 3

Borderlands 3 has received a bunch of content packed into 2 season passes, multiple free takedowns, and seasonal events. With the DLC6, the Director’s Cut, on the horizon we come to an end for Season Pass 2. This leaves one wondering what’s next on the Borderlands 3 Roadmap.  Will Gearbox Software and 2K Games release more content for Borderlands 3 or dare I say a 3rd Season Pass?

If we look at previous Borderlands titles, Gearbox Software has always delivered 1 season pass. However, with the success of Borderlands 2, they did release additional DLCs beyond the season pass.  Randy Pitchford, President of Gearbox Software, mentioned back in the days that they didn’t know how many headhunter packs they would make for Borderlands 2. But if you combined them all they could definitely make up a second-season pass.

A trend that has been going on in the video game industry for a while is multiple season passes. There are games that got released years ago and they still receive new content. Of course, I would like to see new content for Borderlands 3 but how realistic is a third season pass? The Designer’s Cut and the Director’s Cut do contain things that didn’t make it into the main game at launch. I don’t wanna say Gearbox is scraping the barrel here as these cut ideas have been reworked and brought to the next level. Something they wouldn’t have been able to pull off during the initial development cycle.

Additional Content

What would I like to see come to Borderlands 3 and is realistic? I know a lot of fans have stated that they would like to see an additional playable Vault Hunter. However, Gearbox Software already stated that they didn’t want to pursue that course with Borderlands 3. So I think we can scrape that off the list just like another additional skill tree.

More Vault Cards

With the Director’s cut, we will be getting 3 Vault Cards that let us do challenges and unlock loot. I think that if GBX is doing another season pass they will include new Vault Cards. It’s a nice way to keep you engaged and work towards something.

New Loot

Duh, of course there has to be more loot for us to collect. It’s the name of the game, so to speak. Hopefully, they can add some legendaries for factions that are under represented because Atlas doesn’t have a lot of legendaries.

Raid Boss

Oke, fans have been screaming from the top of their lungs to get a raid boss in Borderlands 3. With Hemivorous the Invincible we are finally getting one. Lets continue that path and add some more. I know there are new players picking up this game on a daily basis but GBX also has to nurture the hardcore community. So more raid bosses.

Big Story DLC

We got challenges and loot down but what I also really like is a story. Give me an enjoyable experience that takes me on this weird journey. I always loved Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon’s Keep as it turned the Borderlands 2 toybox and turned it upside down. It played into your expectations and took a different turn. Breaking the 4th wall. All clever and fun stuff.

Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic FusterCluck heavily played into different emotions but presented itself in unexpected ways which made for an enjoyable experience.This DLC had some of the craziest things although the overall length of this story campaign add-on was a bit short.

While the main story and DLC4 hint at a 7th Siren and this can play a huge role going forward. There isn’t really a big teaser for the next installment in the Borderlands franchise. A future DLC could hint at what’s to come even if it’s cryptic like the Borderlands 3 Easter Eggs in Battleborn. But we all want to know what the War is the Watcher warned us about at the end of Borderlands the Pre-Sequel.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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  1. More traunt family!

  2. More raid bosses! And NEW A NEW RARITY!!!

  3. I rlly hope so! Like headhunter packs with short little main missions that are somehow connected to the… https://t.co/NYNr3o9voy

  4. Not holding my breath, but I wouldn’t mind new vault hunters.

  5. I think its very possible. More Takedowns & Raids. More replayable content overall

  6. Too many DLC season passes can be a bad thing. I say leave it how it is & anything they want to add sho… https://t.co/nyjpLYztWS

  7. I would rather them maybe go the way of headhunter packs. Mini campaigns with raid bosses.

  8. More endgame. Pearls. And more endgame. That’s all I need. Maybe a few more skill points. Would pay for… https://t.co/dvaUlpp4kw

  9. I know I always talk about this, but I would like something akin to Nephalem Rifts in Diablo 3. Infinit… https://t.co/q3oyGHSHS1

  10. Probably

  11. I would like one of two things, preferably both:
    A major story DLC where we take down most of the Traun… https://t.co/nkon7r3ntU

  12. Maybe a new vault hunter

  13. Headhunters, Pearlescent’s, Takedowns, Raid Bosses, DLC Characters. Things that people are actually asking for.

  14. So, what the F* did i get with Season Pass 2 then?

    • Timothy Dianov DLC 5 and DLC 6 with new skill trees for each vault hunter and a raid boss on April 8th

  15. i thought this was a 6ix9ne crossover for a second

  16. I wouldn’t say especially a Season Pass 3 but I surely want many things for the future. More Takedowns… https://t.co/PSSiPy7lc1

  17. Additional raid bosses, the seasonal events as permanents. More arms race maps. Lots or more cosmetics.

  18. I would like more added to the 2nd season pass. To me it needs/ed more. https://t.co/8XYmfxKOue

  19. Wait, what the hell was DLC 4 and 5? I haven’t heard anything since the Krieg dlc

  20. I would, but if it means that it´s gonna cost anything, then no

  21. i want this for DLC7 lol https://t.co/TVXbfxXv9B

  22. The chance of improving and level up old gear by using eridium.
    Make season events permanent.
    New rarit… https://t.co/0dYy0GbFTV

  23. more of a focus towards endgame.
    We’ve had enough story, time to give longevity a shot

  24. I just want more vault hunters to play with and raid bosses and new rarity.

  25. I would@ ud want something to season pass 1

  26. Please no, There should have been more included in the other season passes, if I had known my original… https://t.co/rQhXGe40FK

  27. Give me more content of the Calypso twins o.o

  28. i would like another set of content for the future, but sadly i feel like most of their resources have… https://t.co/7Udc8fvZuF

  29. I’d like to see the introduction of a couple new VH but I would like to have some of the old
    ones playa… https://t.co/uAOxeQhi8k

  30. For sure

  31. More Raid Bosses with unique loot a CoV Takedown and the events permanents that would help BL3 last for years before BL4.

  32. Too many season passes is not good. But if it wiil be a story about Athena and Janey Springs…

  33. Sp3:

    Traunt Dlc
    More takedowns, that are closer to MTD than GTD

  34. Tbh, I hope not. I love all Borderlands games, but I prefer them to have their story, story dlc, and that’s it. I already didn’t like arms race, because with no action skill it’s not borderlands for me. The second season pass seems to just add the daily grind from other online games to a game that shouldn’t be like that. Fear of missing out if you don’t play for a week is nothing I wanna see in a Borderlands game, and I also wouldn’t have the time for it. The good thing about Borderlands for me has always been I could always come back and everything was like I had left it.

    • Lexi Baldauf wheres the daily grind? 🤔😕

    • Nikki Hicks afaik they said there will be daily challenges? Was a while back.

  35. A despicable business practice very similar to that of pre-ordering games. It’s like paying whores in the brothel *before* “engaging” their services. This despicable practice needs to die in miserable pain along with all developers that implement it. Until now, only His Illustrious Grace Gearbox pulled this card on the table, I *really* hope that other developers will not follow this putrid scent.
    Once upon a time on Earth, if a game was successful, it would have been followed by an expansion; nowadays they have the guts to ask in advance for their shite and also to be paid in advance for their shitty extra private dances, because, you know, if there is a game, it has to be a DLC too.
    Was Borderlands 2 THAT successful? Hmmm…. Let’s see what statistics say:
    1. “Better Than You Were” Reach level 10. Only 67% of players achieved this. That means 1 in 3 players gave up quite early.
    2. “Always Improving” Reach level 25, 40% of the players. Which also means that 6 out of 10 did not bother.
    3. “Cool Story, Bro” 32% of players, that means only 1 in 3 players bothered to finish the main campaign.
    4. “Capped Out… For Now” Reach level 50. Only 17.3% of players, that means only 3 out of 17.
    5. “Thresher Thrashed” terramorphous the invincible killed, 11%, that means only 1 in 10 players bothered with it.
    Want more? Here you go:
    6.Completionist Completed all Pirate’s Booty side missions. 2.4% of players
    7. Done That Completed all Hammerlock’s Hunt side missions. 1.9% of players
    8. Make it Raaaaaid Vanquished the Ancient Dragons of Destruction. 5.4% of players.
    9. Spicy Boy Defeat Haderax the Invincible. 1.8% of players.
    Bear in mind that you will find all sorts of show-off youtube videos (I can give you names but I do not want to stir the shite more than it’s necessary!) showing to “nerds” and “noobs” how cool they are and how fast they kill Terramorphous, Pyro Pete, Master Gee or Hyperious and all other bosses on overpowered levels, which, sincerely and practically, no one cares about except for a *very* small percentage of players (less than 1%)
    How many players bothered that much to reach “Overpowered level 8”, if only 3 in 17 barely reached level 50?
    Were those DLCs *that* successful, if less than 5% of players bothered with?
    This despicable practice of asking in advance for money 1. for unfinished and surely full of bugs products and 2. because “you know, we will deliver in 6-8 months some extra-content (aka 1-2 hrs max shitty DLCs, or worse extra characters to be played with)” should, I repeat, die in miserable pain along with all developers which implement it.
    Does ANY game need Season Pass? No.
    Does ANY game need Season Pass 2? Definitely no.
    Does ANY game need Season Pass 3? Definitely, definitely no.
    Shove all your Season Passes in your throats, by the time you end up publishing your marvelous DLCs which no one cares about, your game will have collected a lot of dust on Steam servers.
    You can easily bundle all your shitty DLCs along with the main game into some GOTY edition (as it was up until 2010, 2011!) without splitting and chopping the content into Deluxe, Gold, Ultimate and having the nerve after to ask money for extra Season Passes.
    My (more than!) two cents.
    PS: Statistics pulled from Steam achievements. I’m pretty sure that Epic achievements will fall into the same ballpark.

  36. that thumbnail is incredible

  37. I. Hope. So.

  38. 3rd season pass: the global hotfix

  39. I would buy it if one comes out.

  40. Doubtful

  41. Highly doubt it, The first dlc of SP2 came with a fuckton of bugs that to this day, 6 months later almo… https://t.co/hl7Zg9chr4

  42. @eDavis2021 This is downright cursed

  43. Probably not. But if so then I’m invested

  44. I hope for a new vault hunter if do a season pass 3

  45. Great article! Extra Raid bosses would have to be included in future updates for sure. Plus I love the… https://t.co/qCTxU5RhxG

  46. Arms race if I wanted to play fortnight I would it’s not borderlands hopefully the April edition is back to borderlands

  47. If they give us headhunter packs like they did for BL2.


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