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Will Gearbox make a Battleborn Animated Series?

Battleborn Saturday Morning Cartoon
Could Battleborn work as a Saturday morning cartoon?

Could it be that Gearbox Software will produce a Battleborn animated series? Recently I reached out to Randy Pitchford about the future of the franchise, however, back then he had nothing to announce. Today he tweets out an idea for the Battleborn franchise. Because earlier this week, Netflix announced that they would make an animated series based on the Magic:  the Gathering franchise. Randy reacts to this that they are working on something like that for the Duke Nukem franchise but it’s still early days. He also mentions that he is thinking of an animated series for Battleborn.

Randy Pitchford tweets about Battleborn animated series


My thoughts on a possible Battleborn animated series? Those would be yes, hell yes, and boy howdy when can we start recording?

Jim Foronda – Battleborn Voice Actor

if there’s something deserving and/or fitting for an animation/comic/movie, it’s BATTLEBORN. it’s the perfect format, full of delicious lore and intriguing characters, and countless stories ready for telling. but at the end of the day, I’d be happy with more Battleborn!!


I loved the animated segments for Battleborn. I would dig watching a whole series like that, or if there was a budget for it, 3d animated shorts like what Overwatch got, particularly the announcement short. Then it could tie into phase 3, where we get a new game and a movie!


New look

Battleborn was designed like your Saturday morning cartoon but what would a Battleborn animated series really look like? The first answer would probably be just like the anime intro of the game itself. However, that cinematic took a long time to produce. It took Secret Sauce about 6 to 7 months to create it. I think they want to speed up the process if you want to make a series. Therefore I think they will go for a less fluid design and then these designs by Mindy Lee come to mind.

Battleborn concept art by Mindy Lee for 6pt
Battleborn concept art by Mindy Lee for 6pt

Battleborn has such rich lore. There are a lot of stories they can tell. With the big tease at the end of Phoebe and the Heart of Ekkunar, people are “dying” to get answers. I know that Battleborn’s Creative Director, Randy Varnell, would love to work on some more Battleborn. He is currently Managing Producer of Narrative, so everything that has to do with storytelling would have to pass by him.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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