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Worst Borderlands Character appearing in the Lion’s Gate Movie

Davis Pickle from Meme to Movie Star in Borderlands Film

The Borderlands franchise has a wide range of characters, where some are more beloved than others and some are generally disliked. Ava from Borderlands 3 is not beloved by many but is on her redemption arc ever since the release of Borderlands 3 The Director’s Cut.

Another character that is generally disliked by the community is Davis Pickle from Borderlands the Pre-Sequel. Just like Ava, he was the so-called “Annoying” Kid, however, the voice acting also didn’t boost his likability.

When checking the IMDb page for the Borderlands Movie, I noticed that Hunter Troy Rothwell is cast to appear as Davis Pickle in the upcoming Lion’s Gate movie.

  • Out of all the characters in the franchise, why did they need this one for the movie?
  • Will the movie also take place on Pandora’s Moon, Elpis, or is Pickle already on Pandora in the Borderlands Cinematic Universe?
  • Could this be another attempt by Gearbox to troll their community?

About Hunter Troy Rothwell

Hunter Troy Rothwell also worked on Eli Roth’s 2018 movie “The House with a Clock in Its Walls” which also featured Jack Black and Cate Blanchett. Hunter was an ADR Performer in that movie, where the actor must not only recreate their performance on the set but also get near-perfect lip sync with the film.

About Davis Pickle

Davis Pickle is one of the supporting characters in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. He is a young self-described “fingersmith”, who you encounter in the Outlands Canyon area of Elpis. However, if you manage to beat the Claptastic Voyage DLC in TVHM or UVHM, you can see him alongside the Vault Hunters in Sanctuary.

Davis Pickle helps you get a military-grade artificial intelligence in the game but his personal objective is kinda sad as he is also on a quest to retrieve the ashes of his dead parents and find his lost sister.

The name, Davis Pickle, is a dig on Robert De Niro’s character “Travis Bickle” in the 1976 movie Taxi Driver. So I wonder how many people will pick up on this when the movie finally releases.

Let me know in the comments or on social media (@mentalmars) what you think about Pickle being cast for the Borderlands movie.

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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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