About the BackBurner:
The BackBurner is a Legendary weapon in Borderlands 3. This is a Vladof Launcher that shoots Lob-like orbs. On impact, it will create a singularity to pull enemies. For a few seconds, it spits out these mirv orbs dealing damage in the target area. These MIRV Orbs will be thrown in an upwards arc and will fall close to the initial explosion.
Incendiary, Corrosive, Shock, Cryo, and Radiation
Special Weapon Effect:
“We’ll get to it eventually.”
- Shoots Orbs that create a singularity on impact and drops multiple MIRV orbs.
- Consumes 3 ammo per shot
How to get the BackBurner?:
The BackBurner is Mayhem Mode 6 or higher Legendary and has a 6.9% chance of dropping from Agonizer 9000 you can farm it in the Guts of Carnivora located on Pandora. However, if you are badass enough you can also farm the Tyrant of Instinct on True Trials Mode for a 50% drop chance.
- The MIRV Orbs often miss the initial target. Increasing your Splash Radius or Area of Effect Radius could make this weapon more viable.
- The Backburner occasionally appears in Maurice’s Black Market.