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Band of Sitorak

BAND OF SITORAK - Legendary Item Guide [Borderlands 3]

About the Band of Sitorak:

The Band of Sitorak is a Legendary Item in Borderlands 3. This Pangolin shield has a very low capacity, however, the recharge rate is insane. The Band of Sitorak gives you bonuses while your shield is depleted and your shield will go down pretty fast. The recharge delay isn’t too long and the recharge rate kicks it at full capacity in a second. So your shield back up in no time to take in that next hit. However, because the shield isn’t down that long, you don’t benefit much of the ‘bonuses while depleted’.

Special Weapon Effect:

“I said “biiiiiiiiiiiitttccchhhh…”

  • Low capacity, Very high recharge rate
  • +25% Max Health.
  • +22% Weapon Damage while shield is depleted.
  • Elemental resistance

How to get the Band of Sitorak?:

The Band of Sitorak can be obtained from any loot source but has a 10% chance to drop from the Unstoppable who is located in Ambermire on Eden-6.


  • The Band of Sitorak shield can drop with other parts next to the Sitorak part.
  • This shield could work well with Moze’s ‘force feedback’ skill that starts recharging your shields when scoring a critical hit.
  • You can soft-damage your shield before fights to benefit from the ‘while depleted bonuses’.

Drop Rate:

The Drop Rate of the Band of Sitorak is 10%

Patch Notes:

  • April 23, 2020 – Addressed an exploit where players could continuously increase stats that are triggered when shields are broken completely or by continuously jumping off the map and dying, such as with the Pangolin Legendary Shield: “Band of Sitorak”


  • The red text is a reference to a Key & Peele skit.
  • The shield shares its name with Marvel Comics Sitorak, who gave juggernaut his powers.
Written by
I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

Let Me Know What You Think

4 4


  1. Well, I love the red text. LOL https://t.co/NSnP1dwHfr

  2. With Krieg that would be op but the current characters do not have a full health non melee build

    • Rommel Daniel Quiñones Arteaga can you clarify your statement?

    • Joseph Elias Montero I mean the only character that benefits from the depleted shields is the melee amara and this shield dont give melee bonuses

  3. Is thst key and pheel reference?

  4. I need this and I need to get to level 50

  5. The capacity stinks for a Level 50. That recharge rate though…
    My current, level 47, Shield is over 6… https://t.co/xGKhJ12mfi

  6. Depends on how you use it, and with who you use. I’ll say that this shield reminds me of the old school… https://t.co/tlFn77m0rh

  7. I would give it 15 shmeckles

  8. Key and peele!

  9. Where does it drop?

  10. It’s shit….


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