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Blade Fury

Borderlands 3 Legendary Assault Rifle - Blade Fury Screenshot

Borderlands 3 Legendary Assault Rifle – Blade Fury Screenshot

Moze + New gear is rather insane (Read description) Borderlands 3

Weapon Overview:

Manufacturer: Jakobs
Type: Assault Rifle
Rarity: Legendary
Drop Rate: Vault Card 3
Anointed: Yes
Various Parts: Yes
Splash Damage: No

Weapon Stats:

Level: 72
Mayhem: 10
Damage: 25976
Accuracy: 64%
Handling: 80%
Reload Time: 3.6s
Fire Rate: 5.59/s
Magazine Size: 20

About the Blade Fury:

The Blade Fury is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. This Jakobs Assault Rifle stands out because it deals both bullet and melee damage.

This is a unique combination as most guns only deal weapon damage. The Facepuncher is the only weapon that deals melee damage but the Blade Fury does both.

Special Weapon Effect:

“Master of the gun, the blade, and philosophy”

  • Shoots knives that deal weapon damage AND melee damage.


How do you get the Blade Fury in Borderlands 3?

The Blade Fury is redeemable through Vault Card 3 which is part of The Director’s Cut. You need 5 Vault Card Keys to redeem this weapon. The Blade Fury won’t have an Anoint the first time you redeem it but subsequential redemptions will provide a variant with an Anointment.


  • The Blade Fury’s Non-Elemental Melee Damage can bypass Boss’s Immunity Phases.
  • You can create an elemental Blade Fury by equipping an artifact with the ‘Stone‘ prefix. This adds elemental damage to your melee damage. Because that’s what the Blade Fury does, it gets the same bonus.
  • Since the Blade Fury deals melee damage, it also works great in combination with the Cryo element because frozen enemies take 300% damage from melee attacks.
  • Tag enemies with Explosive Bombs by combining the Blade Fury with a White Elephant Artifact.
  • Get Ammo regeneration by combining the Blade Fury with a Cutpurse Artifact.
  • Get Health regeneration by combining the Blade Fury with a Knife Drain Artifact.
  • Deal Random Elemental damage by combining theBlade Fury with a   Commander Planetoid Artifact
  • The Blade Fury can also exploit the ‘Slayer’ Mayhem Modifier as you can “melee” enemies from a distance to trigger its effect.
  • Melee Damage gets Mayhem Scaling and gets multiplied up to 16 times in Mayhem Mode.

LazyData: Blade Fury fires both bullets and melee as two separate entities. The melee does not get infusion, and behaves like Facepuncher melee, so no weapon type, short fuse, indiscriminate, etc). However, the bullet section does, although crit and shortfuse on this is relatively negligible, its ability to Eraser and Indiscriminate to create a new, complete projectile with the melee portion is very strong. Gatling is stronger than Masher when using the gun’s damage output to deal damage, as with every other Jakobs AR.


  • Don’t use
    • Next 2 mags
    • Gamma Burst
    • 125% incendiary  damage (Moze)
  • Do use
    • Consecutive hits
    • URAD
    • Fade Away
    • 150/90
    • Kill stacks


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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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