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Blind Sage

Borderlands 3 Legendary Shotgun - Blind Sage
Borderlands 3 Legendary Shotgun - Blind Sage

About the Blind Sage:

The Blind Sage is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. This Maliwan Shotgun deals oke damage and applies a debuff to enemies. When you kill the enemy with the debuff projectiles will shoot out in a straight line to nearby targets.


Fire damage is strong against Flesh and can cause targets to burn. Burning deals high damage over a 5-second duration.

Corrosive damage is strong against Armor and causes targets to melt. Melting deals high damage over a 7-second duration.

Shock damage is strong against Shields and causes targets to be electrocuted. Electrocution deals very high damage over a 3-second duration.

Cryo damage slows enemies and eventually freezing them. Cryo efficiency is the percentage of damage dealt that is applied as Cryo, at 100% efficiency, enemies will freeze at 20% health. Frozen enemies are unable to move and take 3x Melee damage.

Radiation damage can cause targets to become Irradiated. Irradiated enemies deal Aura Damage to nearby enemies for 8 seconds. If an Irradiated enemy dies, they explode, Irradiating any enemies damaged by the explosion.

Special Weapon Effect:

“There is more than one sort of prison.”

  • Damaging an enemy applies an Echo debuff status to them for 8 seconds. Killing an enemy with an Echo status fires a projectile at a nearby enemy.

Weapon Stats:

Level: 65+
Damage: 15342×9
Accuracy: 61%
Handling: 48%
Reload Time: ~2.1s
Fire Rate: 1.26/s
Magazine Size: 6
Where to get the Blind Sage?

The Blind Sage has a 10% chance of dropping from Locomöbius who is located at Sapphire’s Run in Krieg’s Mind.

Where can I find Locomöbius?

Locomöbius can be found at Sapphire’s Run in Krieg’s Mind. This is the train boss at the end of the map.


Borderlands 3 | BLIND SAGE | Legendary Weapons Guide | DLC 4
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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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