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Breath of the Dying

Borderlands 3 Legendary Dahl Assault Rifle - Breath of the Dying

Borderlands 3 Legendary Dahl Assault Rifle – Breath of the Dying

Breath of the Dying Borderlands 3 Legendary Showcase

Weapon Overview:

Manufacturer: Dahl
Type: Assault Rifle
Rarity: Legendary
Drop Rate: 10%
Anointed: Yes
Various Parts: Yes
Splash Damage: Yes

Weapon Stats:

Level: 72
Mayhem: 10
Damage: 44390
Accuracy: 85%
Handling: 75%
Reload Time: 2.2s
Fire Rate: 10.48/s
Magazine Size: 24

About the Breath of the Dying:

The Breath of the Dying is a Legendary Weapon in Borderlands 3. This Dahl Assault Rifle has pretty good overall stats. As it has a large magazine size, high fire rate, quick reload speed, and good accuracy. The Breath of the Dying always has the corrosive element and is therefore very effective against Armored enemies, however, it cannot apply the Melt Damage over Time effect. The cool feature of this gun is that when killing an enemy with it, the enemy will explode and corrosive balls will fly in all directions. The explosion deals significant damage and is great for damaging nearby enemies. Very useful when dealing with bigger mobs that might also carry armor.

Special Weapon Effect:


  • Always corrosive with 0% elemental chance.
  • Killing an enemy with this weapon will trigger an explosion which will shoot out 13 corrosive balls in all directions.


How do you get the Breath of the Dying in Borderlands 3?

The Breath of the Dying can be obtained from any loot source as a “World Drop” but has a 10% chance of dropping from Blinding Banshee who you can farm in Desolation’s Edge on Nekrotafeyo.


  • Hotfix – Sept 3, 2020
    • Increased Weapon Damage by 128%
    • Increased Orb Damage from (Killing Blow)x6 to (Killing Blow)x12
    • Increased Orb Collision Radius to increase the chance of it hitting.


  • Swap between full automatic and 5 shot burst.
  • Shooting Wotan’s Brain can break the glass. This also triggers the Breath of the Dying special effect and deal massive damage against Wotan.
  • The Orbs do receive Splash/AoE and Assault Rifle bonuses.
  • The Orbs will also apply bonus elemental damage from any source. This includes shields and grenades, however, Infusion is ignored.
  • The Breath of the Dying occasionally appears in Maurice’s Black Market.


  • The weapon’s name, effect, and flavor text are a reference to Diablo IIBreath of the Dying was a popular rune word for weapons, made with the runes mentioned in the flavor text.


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I'm a Content Creator by day and a BattleBread Baker at night. I'll provide you with your recommended slice of entertainment! I'm a Gearbox Community Badass and a proud member of the official Borderlands & Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Creator Team (2K Games / NextMakers).

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